His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1233 President Feng, Miss Tang doesn't need my help at all

Chapter 1233

It is the only listed company in country A that has risen in a short period of time without relying on any official relationship. Among them, the characteristics of Guwu have attracted attention and been respected.

In fact, he had heard about it a long time ago, but he didn't pay too much attention to it, and he didn't know that the boss behind the scenes was Qian Miao.

Qian Miao played with the dove of peace, and said in a soft voice: "I founded this place when I was still in the Dark League. At first, it was just for fun, and the members were only black chickens. Later, more people joined. It happened that Tang Xin needed a company to bring him I monetized my efforts and I scaled up.”

The dove of peace flew towards Feng Xian and landed on the back of his hand.

But he only had her in his eyes, enjoying her voice, her sharing: "What happened next?"

She spoke slowly, without deliberately keeping anything.

Feng Xian listened quietly, and experienced the happiness and joy of listening from her.

After returning to the residence, the two ate some supper before returning to their rooms to rest.

After saying good night to each other, both of them started their private affairs.

One stood in front of the window and made a phone call, and the other found drawing paper and painting tools, ready to paint.

Feng Xian is looking for the most famous painter, ready to guide Qian Miao.

The other party's voice was troubled: "Mr. Feng, I'm honored to be able to work for you, but the art exhibition will start next week, and the deadline for submissions will be three days later, so it's very difficult to teach a novice to reach the exhibition level within three days. "

"She is not a novice, she has a foundation in painting, and has a quick learning ability, so you can teach her."

"That's fine. I'll try. I can only say try. The level of this international exhibition is too high and the competition is huge. I hope Mr. Feng will not get too hopeful."

After finishing the phone call, Feng Xian didn't go to find Qian Miao, but planned to mention this matter to her the next day and let her rest first.

What he didn't know was that during the time he was making the phone call, Qian Miao's painting had already begun to outline.

She only glanced at the original photo, then put the phone aside.

The sun was just rising, and the sunlight shone on the table, where a completed painting was placed. Qian Miao had gone to rest half an hour ago, and was fast asleep at this time.

An hour later, Feng Xian opened the door and came in, planning to let the invited teacher wait in this study room, but he was attracted by the paintings on the table at the first sight.

The female teacher behind him reacted faster than him. She helped her eyes, walked in quickly, and looked closely at her head.

"This is just painted!"

Feng Xian: "It should be."

She stayed up late.

The teacher looked at him for a while, then looked up at him: "Boss Feng, Miss Tang doesn't need my help at all, this painting will definitely win an award! Her use of color is too good, and her conception is also very distinctive. Anyway, you don't need to I'm worried! By the way, is this painting named?"

"She's resting now."

The teacher nodded: "Then wait until she wakes up."

Then, he bowed his head to admire the painting again, the love in his eyes was not hidden.

Feng Xian walked to the table and admired it carefully.

This is an oil painting where light and color blend perfectly to capture the momentary beauty of the natural world. In the painting, the peaks are close to each other, and the persimmon-red sunset hangs between the two peaks. The river is full of rays of light, the boats are crowded on the river, people are coming and going on the bank, children are playing with dogs, and the smoke from the farm houses is curling up. Where the river flows eastward, the color becomes darker as it goes east, and finally it is discovered that it is just a woman's long hair. The flowing long hair is connected to the river and supports the whole living world.

The woman only draws a side face, and the exit picture only reaches the neck, her eyes are closed, and her expression is peaceful. From the headdress and bronze complexion, it can be discerned that she is a certain god in mythology. Although the eyes are closed, the visual experience is not lifeless, but holy and majestic.

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