His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1255: Hua Zijin Says No Contract Renewal

Chapter 1255

Yu family.

It was breakfast time, and Yu Manman was missing from the dinner table.

The servant came to report: "Master, sir, madam, miss said she has no appetite and doesn't want to eat."

"Oh, how can this work? I've been sitting in the room since I came back last night. I'll call her." Mother Yu got up.

The old man lost his appetite.

Yu's father said: "This child is really good. It's not good to like someone. If you insist on liking someone who has a partner, won't you make yourself suffer?"

"You mean it's your daughter's fault?" The old man glanced over with a cold look.

Father Yu just said, "You all dote on her too much, especially you, Dad."

"My own granddaughter, who do I not spoil?" He said, reaching out and knocking Father Yu on the head, as a child to teach her a lesson.

"You can't think like this, face outsiders!"

"Am I looking towards outsiders? I am looking towards the truth. I have already understood it thoroughly, and I have completely missed it. This is something that cannot be helped."

The old man's eyes were heavy: "I don't care about the other things, I just care about being in a good mood. She is in a bad mood now because she didn't get what she wanted. This Feng Xian doesn't know good and bad, it's really hateful."

Yu's father laughed: "Dad, what you said is childish, how can you count things like that?"

"Anyway, his grandfather also intends to get married. This marriage couldn't be better. As for that Tang Qianmiao, let her withdraw voluntarily."

"Then... how do you retreat? Dad, let me tell you, Feng Xian chased her. You said, after finally getting her, can Feng Xian let go easily?"

The old man was serious to the extreme, but he smiled instead: "You, you, you have lived for decades, and it was in vain. Men only feel itchy when they can't get it. If they get it, they won't cherish it. In this way, you go and make an appointment to meet Feng Xian , talk to him."

"I won't go. It's embarrassing for such a thing." Yu's father bowed his head to eat breakfast and ignored it.

The old man was about to scold him, but was interrupted by a phone ringing.

Father Yu picked it up to answer the call, and after a while, he put down the phone with a bad expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" the old man asked in a deep voice.

"It's nothing serious, but Hua Zijin won't renew the contract."

"Hua Zijin?" The old man frowned, confused.

Father Yu explained: "He's Blue Blood's current chief designer, and his contract just expired this month, so we can't continue."

"Not to renew the contract? What's the reason? Is there a better place than our company? Ask him out and have a chat."

The old man always speaks with a stern air, like calling soldiers on the battlefield.

The Yu family is the descendant of the general family, and most of the family businesses are supported by the state to grow bigger and more solid. At the beginning, the old man was not good at doing business, and his wife had always been the main force, while the focus of his career was on the military. Later, the old lady left, and the burden of developing the family business fell on the children.

In this regard, Father Yu knows more than the old man.

Hearing this at this time, I couldn't help but smile lightly: "Dad, you can't say that. With his current position in the industry, there may be many world-renowned companies offering olive branches to him. If we want to keep people, our attitude But it can't be that horizontal."

The old man snorted coldly: "It's just a small designer. My Yu family has a big business, and the blue blood is just a small part. Do you want to bow down to him because of this?"


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