His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1257 There is no cure, it is short-lived

Chapter 1257

Speaking of this, Jiang Yuan exuded a confident light all over his body. He has always been confident and proud of his abilities, especially in hypnosis, and has basically never met an opponent.

The old man didn't understand these things, so he only felt that exaggeration was speechless and unreliable.

"No matter how you say it, it's only temporary. What I want is that girl to quit voluntarily!"

Jiang Yuan still kept a smile on his face: "My lord, in fact, that girl needs treatment just like Man Man."

The old man was surprised: "What?!"

"Tang Qianmiao is also a victim of the BDR experiment. I guess her condition is much more serious than Manman's. There is probably no cure and she is short-lived."

The old man's eyes tightened: "Is this true?"

"One hundred percent true!" Jiang Yuan sighed: "I didn't want to care about these things, and I didn't want to intervene, but now that it involves Manman, I can't ignore it. That girl Tang is definitely short-lived, so she didn't run away.

So I plan to hypnotize her and let her experience in a dream whether her life is worth getting married. She is a smart person, if she really likes Feng Xian, she will let her go. "

The old man's mood was no longer calm, he pondered for a long time, and asked: "Feng Xian knows about this?"

"I know, so I'm quite surprised. He knew this, but he still insisted on being with that girl. It's quite affectionate. It would be great if he could give us this affection."

"As long as that girl quits, it's only a matter of time before Feng Xian falls in love with Manman."

"I will definitely let her quit. I am very sure about this!"

The old man finally smiled: "At the critical moment, I still have to rely on you, Xiao Jiang."

"Serving the Lord Sir, it should be, besides, I have always been raised as a goddaughter, and I will not let her be wronged."

The old man nodded, and turned his eyes to look elsewhere, with deep thoughts in his eyes, as if he was planning something.

He muttered in his mouth: "She is also an experimental subject..."


A day later, Qian Miao put on Tang Xin's improved hearing aid, and her ears finally felt comfortable.

After she wrote a research report and sent it to the research institute, she closed the computer.

Looking back at Tang Xin who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and playing with building blocks with his head bowed, he planned to continue persuading him to go out for a walk, because it was always harmful and useless.

"Tang Saner."

Tang Xin turned his head to look over, his red eyes raised slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled into a smile: "You've finished writing."


"Then let's continue with the class." He turned around and took out his precious book collection.

These are all the books he has read in recent years. He thinks they are well written, so he keeps them in his collection. They are all technical books.

Qian Miao has basically accepted him as a teacher in the past two days, after all, she is a beginner in the field of robot research and development.

Tang Xin seems to like this "job" very much, waiting to give her lectures every day.

"We don't have class today, we go out to play."

Tang Xin pursed his lips slightly, without saying a word, and suddenly grabbed his clothes with his hands.

That was his performance after he got into a tangled state.

Qian Miao took two steps forward, and stretched out his hand to him: "I'm here, don't be afraid."

Tang Xin raised his eyes slowly, his eyelashes were thick and honey, but there was resistance in his overly good-looking eyes.

However, in the silent gaze, his resistance gradually softened.

He slowly raised his hand and placed it on hers.


(In the past two days, I have seen many small partners ranking Wenwen. I am very touched. Thank you. No matter how many places we can reach, at least we have worked hard and fought for it. Thank you again. The ranking will continue until December On the 23rd, begging for continued support~ Today is over, good night.)

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