His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1271 In the fighting arena, two women fight each other

Going around, she even asked her rival to design a watch for her beloved man!

She felt that God had made a fool of her.

She was silent for a long time before speaking: "I...it's fine."

"Really, unfortunately, I have something to do with Miss Yu, so let's come out."

Yu Manman knew that he couldn't hide, and he would have to face it sooner or later. After a while of psychological training, he agreed.

She tidied herself up properly, stood in front of the mirror for a while, and showed her most confident appearance before going out.

The meeting place is at the Minghuang Group practice field.

This is the newly confirmed location she sent a text message just now, and she proposed it on her own initiative.

She has already thought of a solution. Since both parties are not convinced, there is the simplest and most effective way to solve it!


Minghuang practice field.

This is the largest training base of Minghuang Group, where members are organized to conduct corresponding ability training every day.

Among them, the most lively one is the fighting arena.

This is a paradise for learning martial arts and a lubricant for resolving conflicts.

Qian Miao arrived at the fighting arena ten minutes earlier than Yu Manman, and asked people to clear the arena, leaving some people as spectators.

Before the start of the match, the two made a written agreement that the winner would be determined in a game, and the loser must unconditionally agree to a request from the winner.

Rules of the game: All weapons in the fighting arena can be used, and one party admits defeat as the end sign.

Before going to the fighting arena, Yu Manman stared at Qian Miao and asked, "What is your relationship with Luo Yan? As far as I know, he has been missing for a long time."

Qian Miao said indifferently: "If you beat me, I will answer you."

Yu Manman laughed: "You are too conceited, do you think I really can't beat you?"

"If you can beat it, if you can't beat it, you will know in a while."

Yu Manman gritted his teeth, and said fiercely: "If you plan to push me to Luo Yan, and then stay and fly with Feng Xian, then your calculation is wrong. I have no interest in Luo Yan, so you can bring him here , and can’t force me.”

Qian Miao's eyes were slightly cold: "You?"

She shook her head: "you are not worthy of him."

"You!" Yu Manman was furious, and immediately turned to the fighting arena, took two scimitars, and stared at Qian Miao.

"In a little while, I'll beat you until you're looking for teeth and begging for mercy!"

Qian Miao just sneered slightly, without saying a word, but she didn't take any weapon, and, with her right hand behind her back, it seemed that she only intended to fight with her left hand.

Yu Manman saw this and felt humiliated again.

When the bell rang, she immediately rushed in front of Qian Miao with a surge of strength from behind, and swung her saber straight up!

A strange thing happened. Her scimitar was about to cut blood on Tang Qianmiao's arm, but she dodged it in a split second. The speed can be described as extremely fast, so fast that she only saw a silhouette.

She froze for a second, then tried to catch up again.

Qian Miao only avoids but does not fight, his body leans at a forty-five degree angle, stepping back step by step, like a martial artist hanging from a wire.

Moreover, one of her right hands was behind her back and did not move, as if she did not pay attention to her.

"Ah!" Yu Manman put away the scimitar and switched to kicking with his side leg, but all kicks missed.

At this time, Qian Miao's ankles were strangled left and right.

Seeing Qian Miao's unrestrained and unrestrained eyes, she said with a smile to her, "You are too weak."

Before she had time to react, she felt a pain in her ankle, and Tang Qianmiao grabbed her ankle with one hand and fell to the ground hard!



Her face and upper body hit the ground, causing her to faint in pain!

However, it's not over yet!

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