His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1280 Surround me! (two more)

Chapter 1280

"She hit you because of Luo Yan?" Father Yu frowned.


"Where is he now?"

"Hospital, he broke his leg after running out." She pursed her lips.

"Is it because of you that you ran out?"

After a few seconds of silence, Yu Manman said, "...Yes."

There was a reluctant acknowledgment in the voice.

Father Yu thought about it for a while, and said, "If this is the case, the matter will not be that simple, and we will not be able to explain it to Jindan Kingdom."

Yu Manman pouted: "Why do you have to explain to him? He broke it himself, and I didn't push him. I've never seen such a cowardly man. Even if I misunderstood him, he just needs to explain. It's not that I don't listen, why make such a fuss."

Father Yu thought for a while, and said, "Luo Yan's situation shouldn't be that simple. I had a little contact with it back then, and it seems that the royal family deliberately concealed some kind of situation. Well, let me go and take a look first, and you take care of your wounds."

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something, and said, "What do you think about Hua Zijin's contract renewal?"

Mother Yu interrupted: "Don't even think about it? This kind of thing has happened, can this kind of person still be used? I really regret that I gave Blue Blood to her back then, because we trusted her teacher too much!"

After thinking about it, Yu Manman said: "She doesn't even want to continue, so let's change someone. Just take this opportunity to change our style."

Father Yu saw her reluctance, and said with a smile, "Is it true that you don't want to fight any more? You just said that every yard counts."

Yu Manman turned his face away from the side, a little awkward: "If I win the game, I can make any demands, but now I lose."

"Oh, stop talking." Mother Yu couldn't stand it anymore and pushed her husband out.

After returning, she asked Yu Manman: "Daughter, Mom, I'm asking you, do you really dislike Luo Yan?"

Yu Manman was surprised: "Mom, why are you getting involved in this matter again? You even canceled that doll kiss, and you brought it up to talk about it."

"No, Mom thinks that Luo Yan's family background is not bad, a descendant of the royal family, this honor is beyond comparison for ordinary people. Of course, Feng Xian is better, but Mom doesn't want you to make mistakes."

Yu Manman didn't speak.


After Yu's father came out, he went directly to the old man's elegant residence, but when he arrived, he was informed that the old man left after coming out of Yu Manman's room, and took a group of private guards with him.

Father Yu secretly thought it was not good, so he contacted the old man immediately.

The call went through quickly.

"Dad, you took the private guard with you?"

"That's right." The old man's voice was thick and powerful.

Father Yu supported his forehead: "Dad, please calm down."

"Don't worry about this matter, this breath, you can swallow it, but I can't swallow it!" The old man hung up the phone directly.

Yu's father kept sighing, and hurriedly asked someone to prepare a car to chase after him. The old man is a military commander, has a quick temper, and hates to swallow his anger the most. Right now, it seems that there is no way to end the scene without making a fuss.

As time passed, the night became darker.

Several luxury cars stopped in front of the gate of an elegantly decorated villa. The back door was opened, and the old man came out of the car, leaning on Shuanglong Xizhu's crutches, looking majestic and majestic, like a general ordering troops on the battlefield.

Jiang Yuan stood on the left and said, "Master, this is where Tang Qianmiao lives."

The old man's eyes darkened, he stared at the gate, and issued an order: "Wrap me up!"

In an instant, a group of well-trained private guards immediately surrounded the entire villa with neat steps. Another group of people climbed over the wall and entered the courtyard, opened the door inside, and welcomed the old man in.

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