His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1295 Miss Tang, You Win

Chapter 1295

Luo Wen sighed, and asked: "How could this be? A while ago, she communicated with me and kept saying that Luo Yan was slowly getting better. She also said a few days ago that he was willing to come out for a walk. How could it suddenly get worse?"

Feng Xian closed his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Some accident happened."

He asked Luo Wen to show the surveillance that was transferred from Jiang Yuan's house that day.

Luo Wen only saw a girl knocking loudly in front of Luo Yan's door, and then broke in, and then, Luo Yan covered her head and ran out yelling, and finally, the girl walked out quickly, with an angry face on her face. away in the direction.

"Did Luo Yan get hurt after running out? Who hit him?"

Feng Xian: "The place he went to is very remote, and it is impossible to find out."

Luo Wen's eyes were distressed: "What did this girl do to him?!"

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes: "Wait a minute, is this girl the granddaughter of Duke Yu?"


Seeing Feng Xian nodding his head, his complexion became very bad!

"This girl went to our side a few years ago and asked to cancel the engagement! There is no trace of respect in her eyes, and now she has hurt my seventh brother. I must pursue this matter to the end!"


In the royal palace, the night breeze blows.

"Miss Tang, you can go."

A transparent plastic bag was presented, containing a red mobile phone.

The girl sitting at the table reading a book raised her head, her fair and ruddy face was not in the embarrassment of being under house arrest, she was still calm and calm.

She looked at the clock in the room. She stayed here for less than two days, which was half the expected time.

Turning on the phone to check the messages for a while, there is an incoming call from Feng Xian, and there are also other people's messages.

She replied a message to Feng Xian, then walked towards the palace gate.

The heavy palace door opened, and the figure standing outside gave her a pause.

Jiang Yuan stood alone ten meters in front of him, with a car behind him.

She put the phone back in her pocket casually and walked over.

Jiang Yuan's expression was still so proud, with an air of arrogance, he watched her approaching quietly, and then said: "Now everything is as you wish, girl."

Qian Miao looked at him, and a trace of suspicion smeared in his quiet eyes: "I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Hmph, why are you pretending to be stupid? You won! You won a lot, you won the entire Duke's mansion! Feng Xian even moved the Jindan Kingdom here, can you still win? I underestimated you!"

He had a sullen face, but his eyes kept looking at Qian Miao's face, hesitant to speak.

"However... you girl, how did the second prince of Jindan Kingdom respect you so much? When he went to find the Duke, he called you Miss Tang one by one, as if he regarded you as a very honorable person."

Qian Miao raised her lips: "Guess."

Jiang Yuan frowned, snorted coldly, with a look of "I don't guess".

He took a deep breath and said: "In short, the Duke's Mansion has promised the second prince of Jindan Kingdom that he will not continue to pursue you, and I... will go to your side to help temporarily!"

"Oh, it turns out that the Duke's Mansion lost, so you are my trophy?"

"You...you girl, don't be too arrogant!" His face was full of breath.

Qian Miao pursed her lips, with sly eyes, walked past him, and said, "In this case, please contact Uncle Qian. As for the price, you can ask me as long as I can afford it."

A car came in front of Qian Miao, and the dark guard got out of the car and opened the door of the back seat for her, with a respectful attitude.

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