His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1297 Hug, she regained her original joy

Chapter 1297

The car drove into a residential area.

"Miss Tang, Mr. Feng is waiting for you."

She heard the sound and looked up, looking over the window to see the man waiting outside the gate. The tall and tall figure was shrouded in soft white light, and the interlaced light of light and dark made the outline of his face more deep and distinct.

She opened the door and got out of the car, and the man walked this way.

"Wait." She said suddenly, looking at him from a distance of more than ten meters.

The man stepped back and looked at her with warm eyes.

She raised her lips, and her steps quickened, and then some, and then again.

Under the light, the girl leaped towards the man happily, and the man opened his arms cooperatively, allowing her to jump up and hug her full.

The girl wrapped her arms around his neck, leaned her face on his shoulders, and looked up at the starry sky with a satisfied smile.

Qian Miao has behaved like this twice.

The first time, when she was six years old, she jumped at Tang Yi as her father. At that time, she was mercilessly swung away.

The second time, when she was six years old, she threw herself at Yun Huan, who was her mother. On that day, she was abandoned by her family.

For a long time afterwards, she didn't subconsciously rush to anyone again, and that joy of joy had been quietly buried. On this night many years later, she regained her original joy and received a warm response.

After a while, she remembered that Prince Lovin was still waiting for her, so she let go of his waist and slid down: "Is the second prince still inside?"

The man's eyes were gentle: "Yes."

She adjusted her appearance and said, "I'll go in and have a look."

The man held her hand, with a little reluctance in his eyes, and said, "Together."

As soon as she came back, Luo Yan's door could finally be opened.

Luo Wen walked in after her, and saw the big boy reading a book quietly in the room.

Luo Wen's eyes were sore, showing distress.

"Seventh brother..."

Luo Yan was startled, and raised his head suddenly, his red eyes were first surprised, then joyful.

The disturbed heart palpitations dissipated immediately after seeing Qian Miao.

"where did you go?"

Qian Miao walked up to him and sat down: "I heard that you haven't eaten well these two days?"

Luo Yan shook his head lightly: "It's not tasty, I don't want to eat it."

Qian Miao was relieved that his spirit was much calmer than the previous two days.

Seeing that he was in good condition, she turned her head to Luo Wen and said slowly, "This is your second brother, remember?"

Luo Yan's eyes moved slowly and fell on Luo Wen's face.

Luo Wen smiled flatteringly, with anxiety in his eyes.

"Seventh brother, go back with second brother, the family is waiting for you."

Luo Yan was suddenly excited and shook his head violently: "I won't go, I won't go!"

Seeing that he was emotional again, Luo Wen had no choice but to go out first. After he went out, he said to Feng Xian: "Seventh Brother is in a state where we can't delay any longer. I think we must take him back as soon as possible. There is a top-notch doctor at home who can treat him, but I definitely can't take him back alone. , so I want Miss Tang to live there for a while."

Feng Xian's eyes deepened, and he said slowly: "It depends on what she means."

"I know. In fact, we have already raised this opinion before, and Ms. Tang has always refused. Now I want Mr. Feng to help you talk. You are her lover, and she may listen to your opinion."

Maybe it was some two words in it that pleased the man, he let go: "I will mention it, but it still depends on her own wishes."

Luo Wen nodded: "Of course, we won't force her."

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