His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1299 Sleeping together, are you shy?

Chapter 1299

Feng Xian pointed at the tall man, and said slowly: "This man is very similar to No. 13. If they are experimental subjects, then these weirdnesses are probably the sequelae of the experiment."

Qian Miao pressed the blueprint with her hand, her eyes were a little out of focus: "Luo Yan met them when he was six years old and witnessed Yu Manman being robbed on the spot. These people scared him."

It is not impossible for a six-year-old child who has been very well protected since he was a child to be frightened into autism when he sees a bloody and weird scene for the first time.

She couldn't help imagining those pictures in her mind, which made her heart tighten.

That night, she couldn't fall asleep. After sitting quietly for a long time, she took a pen and paper and wrote a letter at her desk.

The letter was written and deleted, deleted and lost, and it was only at dawn that a complete letter came out.

She put it in an envelope and put it on Luo Yan's bedside table.

There is her story. Her words were concise enough, but she still used two full pages when she finished writing.

After writing, my heart was empty but heavy.

She returned to the room, intending to catch up on sleep, opened the door and saw the cold and empty room, closed the door unconsciously, and turned her head to look at the door next door.

Pushing open the door next door, she took a look, focusing on the bulge under the silver-gray quilt. Feng Xian stayed with her late last night, and she kicked him out of the room after she started writing letters.

Now fast asleep.

Looking at the bulge, the heaviness in her heart disappeared inexplicably, and she became much lighter.

After thinking about it for a second, she closed the door, picked up the pillow on the sofa and threw it to one end, and lay down on her side, with her face facing Feng Xian.

The peace and contentment in her heart made her fall asleep quickly, without dreams.

At noon, when she was full of sleep, she opened her eyes and closed them again. She stretched instinctively, and suddenly felt that the place where her hands touched was warm.

The sofa has also softened.

Noticing something was wrong, she raised her eyes and saw that what she was lying on was not a sofa, but Feng Xian's bed.

When did she fall asleep?

There is still warmth on his side, which shows that he just woke up not long ago.

She rubbed her eyes and sat up, just in time to see the man coming out of the bathroom, wiping his hair with a towel in his hand, his upper body was naked, and his eight-pack abs were eye-catching.

She froze for a second, staring blankly, and after two seconds, mechanically turned her face away.

"Why did you wake up? Did I disturb you in the shower?" Feng Xian walked over, covered her ears with both hands and smoothed the hair beside her.

Like petting a kitten.

She shook her head and looked away: "No."

There was a warm fragrance in the air, coming in from his nose, as soft as his voice.

Then, she heard Feng Xian's low laugh, only one sound.

When he turned his head again, his upper body was already dressed.

Inexplicably, the scene just now became clearer in her mind.

"I'm going to wash my face." She got off the bed.

A force grabbed her arm and gently pulled her back into his arms.

After a while, he let go, bowed his head and said to her: "If you are familiar with me, you won't be easily shy."

She didn't even raise her head, and the rosiness at the tips of her ears was even deeper than before.

I always feel that "familiarity" has a deep meaning.

"I'm not shy." Her rebuttal was very stiff, and she added: "Master said, do not see evil."

The upward curve of the corner of the man's mouth became more obvious. He rubbed her hair with some strength, and slowly let her go: "Go and wash."

She nodded, and started to walk, which was very straight.

He smiled slightly, his eyes full of affection.

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