His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1306 Worthy of being my man

Chapter 1306

He put the basket aside, walked to Qian Miao's side, and said, "Do you have something on your mind?"

Her eyes focused in ecstasy: "See it?"

Feng Xian scratched her nose, said with a smile: "It's written on the face, and besides, the archery has regressed."

Qian Miao sighed: "I can't tell, I always feel that I missed a very important thing."

"Think slowly, relax yourself, and you will definitely remember."

She took an arrow and redrawn the bow, aimed at the sky, and shot it, this time it missed.

"I can't tell. This feeling has been circling in my heart for a few days. It has been there since it was confirmed that Yu Manman was related to Tang Xin's illness, but I can't say why."

Feng Xian took another arrow and gave it to her: "Don't worry, think slowly."

Here, Jiang Yuan came late, but pretended to be pumping his pants while running over, deliberately smiled and said, "I ate something wrong last night, and I always had diarrhea."

While talking, he looked into the basket: "Hey, do you want to eat rabbits for lunch today? Rabbits are good, braised ones are the best."

As soon as the words fell, he raised his head, and then froze.

"Feng...Feng Xian? Why are you here!" He almost jumped up.

Feng Xian ignored him and continued to teach Qian Miao archery.

Jiang Yuan ran up to him, his eyes filled with anxiety: "You are here, what about Man Man? Where did Man Man go?!"

Qian Miao looked at him indifferently: "Sir, what do you mean by that?"

Guilt flashed across Jiang Yuan's eyes, so he didn't answer Qian Miao's question, and asked Feng Xian loudly: "It's inconvenient to have full legs, so you just left her and left?"

Feng Xian's indifferent handsome face suddenly became colorful and became stern. He looked at Jiang Yuan squarely, and said, "Mr. Jiang, if you continue to do some unsightly tricks under my nose, don't blame me for being ruthless."

As soon as the cold male voice fell, the fully drawn bow and arrow suddenly turned in one direction, facing Jiang Yuan's face directly!

Jiang Yuan's blood flowed backward in an instant, and his legs felt weak at that moment, and he even forgot to dodge.

There was a sharp swishing sound in the ear, followed by a sharp wind and wave in the ear, which made it a little painful!

Jiang Yuan's face was completely pale, and when he looked back, the two arrows that flew past his ears actually pierced into two pheasants!

He looked at Qian Miao who was beside him, and saw a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, with an expression of "As expected of my man".

Jiang Yuan wiped his sweat, feeling that his life span was shortened by another two years.

He suddenly forgot what he was doing just now, and he couldn't even say a word.

At this time——

"I figured it out!" Qian Miao suddenly said.

She smiled pleasantly, looked at Feng Xian and said, "He was only six years old when the incident happened, and Yu Manman was about the same age. After so many years, Yu Manman's appearance has already grown. It stands to reason that no one introduced him. Tang Xin wouldn't recognize her at a glance, unless he saw Yu Manman again after he was six years old."

She put away the tools and said, "If this hypothesis is true, it will prove that Yu Manman lied, and she must still keep it."

As she spoke, her footsteps paused again, as if recalling a very important detail.

"When I first met him, he was lying in a pile of dead people, unconscious, and he seemed to be thinking not to hit her."

"That year... was exactly the year when Yu Manman went to Jindan Kingdom, and it also happened to be the year when the civil strife broke out in Jindan Kingdom, and he was affected by the civil strife and was abandoned."

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