His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1310 Empathy

Chapter 1310

Mother Yu saw that her face was full of joy, and she didn't look depressed. She was relieved, but she was also curious: "What good thing happened?"

Yu Manman said: "Mom, I didn't expect Luo Yan to be a genius. I just listened to his lecture for more than 20 minutes in the afternoon, and now I can solve these problems. It bothered me for a long time before."

"Luo Yan?" Mother Yu frowned, wondering how could Luo Yan be involved?

"Well, it turns out that he is not as weak and useless as I thought before. He invented a lot of things, much better than me."

Mother Yu noticed the light shining in her eyes, and her heart skipped a beat, she hurriedly asked, "Manman, could it be that you... fell in love with Luo Yan?"

Yu Manman's expression changed, and he immediately turned his face away: "No! I'm not someone who likes others so casually!"

This reaction made Mother Yu worry.

Isn't this "There is no silver three hundred taels here"?

"It's not easy to say? Wasn't it just a moment when I fell in love with Feng Xian? I see you, I love the other when I see one."

Yu Manman blushed: "I didn't! I just thought he could make things, and I just praised him!"

"Then why don't you look at me and talk?" Mother Yu asked.

"I don't have it."

Mother Yu was even more worried.

She is someone who has experienced it, so she naturally knows what is going on with her girl's reaction. I am afraid that her feelings have changed, but she just doesn't know it.

"This is troublesome. If you fall in love with Luo Yan again, what shall we say about Jin Dan Country? At the beginning, you walked all the way to cancel the baby kiss. They were originally unhappy because of this, and it was precisely because of this The thing is, this time our country’s oil cooperation with their country did not go so smoothly, and it has been hanging.”

Yu Manman frowned: "How can this be confused? My business is my business, and national affairs are national affairs. How can they stop cooperating because I canceled the engagement?"

Mother Yu explained: "Not everyone can distinguish so clearly like you. The state banquet is getting closer and closer. His Majesty the King has handed over the oil case to your grandfather and father. They are still discussing countermeasures. Originally, the matter has already passed." It's almost time to sign the contract. As soon as the second prince came, this matter was delayed. I think it was also because of your misunderstanding with Luo Yan that day, which angered them. That's why His Majesty suddenly gave us the case. Let's get this over with."

These words completely silenced Yu Manman. She understood that she was responsible, and after thinking for a while, she said, "Then I'll go to Luo Yan, and I'll be in charge of persuading him, as long as he nods, that's fine, right?"

Mother Yu was surprised: "Are you going to ask Luo Yan?"

Her daughter never asks for help easily.

Yu Manman picked up the paper to read, and the corners of his lips curled up: "Let me try."


Mother Yu quickly told the old man about Yu Manman's plan, but he didn't get his consent.

Because he learned that Luo Yan has autism and is a patient, he would never pin his hopes on a patient.

It was late at night, and the three generations of grandparents were still having a meeting. The old man was the main one, and the children and grandchildren of the Yu family were sitting beside them. They were all male. Besides them, there was Jiang Yuan.

After discussing for a long time, Yu's father suggested: "As far as I know, Jindan Kingdom actually has needs from our country. It would be best if the two sides reach an agreement, each taking what they need, mutual benefit and win-win."

"Tell me, what do they want?"

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