His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1313 Feng Xian, I, Tang Qianmiao, will be settled!

Chapter 1313

"Oh! Anyway, you won't listen to what I say!" The old man turned his face away.

Looking at the distant scenery outside the window, guilt flashed across his eyes.

Son, don't blame me for being cruel.

Shortly after the old man and his party left, Luo Wen and his party also set off.

The entire Luo family returned to its former silence.

At this time, a team of a hundred people quickly surrounded the whole house. The leader of the team was a close friend of the old man and the old housekeeper of the Feng family.

There are two supervisors sent by the alliance by his side, responsible for assisting and supervising his actions.

Not long after, the door opened.

Qian Miao walked out alone, without anyone following behind.

The butler stepped forward: "Miss Tang, long time no see."

Qian Miao nodded slightly at him, greeted him, and asked calmly: "Uncle Steward is going to burn this place for such a big battle?"

There was a hint of humor in her words.

The housekeeper smiled: "The Feng family would not do such a despicable thing. I am here today to take Miss Tang home on behalf of the master."

After the words fell, the two opened the door of one of the cars.

Qian Miao glanced at the car, walked towards the housekeeper with lazy steps, and stood half a meter in front of him.

"Grandpa Feng's attitude, I have received it. Regarding the matter between me and Feng Xian, the Yu family has expressed its position, the Feng family has expressed its position, and even the netizens have expressed their position. So, today I will also express my position." she smiles.

The butler felt that the girl in front of her was extremely calm, especially her peach blossom eyes bathed in the morning light, with a just right smile, calm and unhurried, her momentum as stable as Mount Tai.

Just when he couldn't figure it out, in the blink of an eye, dozens of people appeared around the girl. Without saying a word, they directly rushed at the people he brought, one hit three, knocked down one and then rushed to the next one!

The housekeeper's face was shocked: "Miss Tang, don't be so nonsense!"

Qian Miao walked forward step by step, staring into his eyes and said: "Go back and report to Master Feng, Feng Xian, I, Tang Qian Miao, are going to make a decision! What tricks do you have, just do it!"

The expressions of the two supervisors also changed: "It's the first time I've seen such an arrogant girl. She's not very capable, but her face is not small. She dares to offend her?"

"You girl, hurry up and let your people stop, otherwise we will easily hurt you as a mere child, so follow us obediently, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood!"

The smile on Qian Miao's lips gradually turned cold, with a cold glow: "There are so many people who look down on me, I never bother to argue, but this does not mean that I am a loser, defeat me first, and then show you This kind of look at the loser, otherwise, in my eyes, you are just a joke!"

The supervisor was furious and ordered: "Catch her!"

A group of people gathered towards Qian Miao!

In the next second, five people jumped up from a distance, blocked in front of Qian Miao in time, and kicked away the rushing people!

The supervisor was shocked, and they looked at each other, knowing that they were no match for Qianmiao's people, so they all took out their weapons.

However, before their guns could be aimed, a flying rock hit them in the wrists and the guns fell.

But it didn't fall to the ground, but was swept away by a silver thread, and finally fell into the girl's hands.

Her finger was on the trigger.

The two supervisors and the butler were sweating at the same time, swallowed nervously, and looked gloomy.

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