His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1316 His wife is the real boss

Chapter 1316

Soon, on to the next group.

Host: "I invite the distinguished guest of the Jin Group, Miss Jin Mo, and her male companion, Mr. Feng Xian."

Everyone was surprised and stood up in shock!

"Miss Jin Mo?"

"It's a woman!"

"Not only is it a woman, but a 'Miss' is not a lady?"

"How did Feng Xian end up being someone else's male companion? What's going on?"

A pair of lovers appeared on the red carpet.

The girl was wearing a sparkling silver-white tube top dress, and the long skirt dragged the floor, looking clean and refined. The man she held her arm had a dignified and cool demeanor, and his face was unparalleled in handsomeness. He instantly outshone all the noble princes present.

They are like gods and queens, they are always the most dazzling existence wherever they go.

Old man Feng was dumbfounded. For the first time in so many years, he showed a look of horror, and he was unable to speak for a long time.

He sat back on his seat all of a sudden, his legs were a little weak.

Mr. Yu couldn't be any better. At first he thought it was a joke, and then he realized what kind of occasion it was. No one would make a joke on this kind of occasion. His heart gradually became heavy!

The Yu family members were all quiet, staring quietly, looking at Qian Miao's young but calm face quietly.

Only then did they discover that this girl has always been so calm and steady, unhurried, with a royal air, unassuming, but can easily compare to others at any time.

Madam Yu's hands gradually twisted together, and she couldn't help comparing her daughter with Tang Qianmiao in her mind.

My heart hurts.

Staring at such an identity, Qian Miao easily became the most eye-catching presence in the audience.

Feng Xian tilted his head slightly, and asked softly: "Miss Tang, are you satisfied?"

Qian Miao raised her eyebrows a little: "It took a little longer than I thought."

"After all, it is the Jin family. You know how many people are looking forward to this second when the news spreads?"

Qian Miao pinched his palm and said, "I'm nervous."

Feng Xian almost believed it.

After all, it is a state banquet, no matter how surprising something happens, there will not be a situation where a group of people keep asking questions. The people who came were all prominent figures, and they all paid attention to their own image.

Qian Miao's position was arranged at the front, close to the king and queen, and next to the position was the current president of the Jin Consortium, Jin Chun.

Jin Chun is already fifty-five years old, she has to call her uncle.

She nodded slightly to Jin Chun, who had friendly eyes and respected her very much.

This point of interaction is stared at by the people around.

The red carpet of the state banquet was broadcast live simultaneously, and the news spread instantly, and the people all over the country were excited!

The online contest between Yu Manman and Tang Qianmiao changed drastically within ten minutes. Tang Qianmiao crushed Yu Manman with absolute advantage.

Soon, some senior melon eaters made a simple summary, summed up Tang Qianmiao's personal worth, and finally came to a conclusion——

[Tang Qianmiao's ranking on the wealth list is above Feng Xian! 】

Netizens went crazy again——

"Ahhhhh! I'm going crazy! What secrets does this woman have! I thought I had already picked up her information last time!"

"The Jin Group, a big company that feeds most of the people, she is the major shareholder, and she herself is a nobleman!"

"I slapped myself and apologized for my previous ignorance. Really, Tang Qianmiao came out as a real king! Yu Manman can't compare!"

"The person whose majesty the king has to give face to, even the Yu family can't compare to!"

"When she walked the red carpet just now, I almost suffocated. Really, no one can shock me so much. I always thought that the person in charge of the Kim family is a bad old man!"

"With such achievements at the age of twenty, you must be at the pinnacle of your life!"

"I was wrong, I shouldn't compare her with Yu Manman, now I feel that even Feng Xian is not worthy of her!"

"Feng Xian's wealth is less than hers! Feng Xian is a billionaire! Focus!"

"Don't talk about Feng Xian, let's talk about his girlfriend, his girlfriend is the real boss."

"Returning a girlfriend, now the Feng family has nothing to say, the two are definitely going to get married, it must be the wife!"

"His wife is the real boss!"


All of a sudden, many news headlined "His wife is the real boss" to publicize this matter.

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