His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1318 Tang Qianmiao, You Are My Nemesis

Chapter 1318

This night, Tang Yi failed to go to Country A.

Yun Ruyi's noise caused the youngest son who had just fallen asleep to cry suddenly, his condition worsened, and the family rushed to the hospital.

Except for Lin Wenyu.

She was alone at home, still in a daze.

She was sitting on the door bridge, leaning against the door frame, scrolling through the news on her phone with dull eyes.

Tang Qianmiao's news can be seen everywhere.

Jin's consortium, an imperial group with full international prestige, possesses super strength to compete with the Feng family.

However, the Feng family has two brothers, Feng Yan, and their respective sons. But Tang Qianmiao alone occupies more than half of the Jin family!

Even without the Yun family and the private property left to her by Yun Huan, she is still comparable to anyone in the Feng family.

On the global wealth list, Tang Qianmiao is at the top, and the person behind is Feng Xian.

Landslide victory.

Not many people are curious about how she did it. The result is already here, and the process is not important at all.

She suddenly thought of herself.

A stepdaughter who is dependent on others, has been living in fear since she came to live here.

Worried that I didn't do well and would be thrown away at any time, and went back to live an ordinary life with my biological father.

Worried about your status being unstable and not being recognized.

Worrying that Tang Qianmiao would come back and take away her brilliance all at once.

Too much worry made her anxious all day long, and she also had many imaginary enemies in her mind.

Every time there is a little trouble, she is very sensitive and afraid.

She wholeheartedly yearns to climb to high places, whether she is self-reliant or stepping on other people's bodies, she wants to climb up.

Later, he kept falling, and his whole body was injured.

She felt that fate was unfair to her.

Her birth was not expected by her mother, it was just a product of her passing away.

Later, she knew what it was like to really like someone, and that person was her friend's man.

She feels that there is no right or wrong in love, and the pursuit of happiness is the truth.

But the reality slapped her hard again, making her lose face and everything!

And all these losses are related to Tang Qianmiao.

Her eyes were dull, tears flowed unknowingly, she plucked at the phone screen with her fingers, and muttered something in her mouth: "Tang Qianmiao, you are my nemesis, nemesis..."


After the state banquet, Qian Miao was summoned privately by the queen.

The place where we met this time was the queen's palace, which was in stark contrast to the small room last time.

No longer was she waiting for the queen, but the queen was waiting for her.

As soon as she entered, without waiting for her greeting, the queen stood up, supported her hand with a slight smile, and said, "Please sit down, Miss Tang."

Qian Miao sat down: "I don't know why Your Majesty the Queen summoned me?"

The Queen smiled and said, "I was the one who offended you last time, so please don't take it to heart, Miss Tang. Tonight, I specially apologize to Miss Tang."

"Your Majesty speaks seriously."

The queen gave a look, and the maid beside her presented a beautiful box and opened it.

"This is the necklace given to me by His Majesty the King on the day of my wedding. It is a royal property and has been passed down from generation to generation for twelve generations. It is a priceless treasure. I hope Miss Tang can accept it and accept my sincerity of apology. .”

The necklace is gorgeous, and the gemstones on it sparkle.

Qian Miao only glanced at it lightly, then looked away: "Thank you for your kindness, since it belongs to the royal family, I am a commoner and dare not accept it. Please forgive me, Your Majesty the Queen."

With a deep smile, he said, "Jindan Kingdom and our country have been negotiating oil cooperation. I wonder if Ms. Tang has heard about it?"

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