His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1320 Those Experimental Subjects Reappeared!

Chapter 1320

The next day, the Duke's Mansion.

Because of Tang Qianmiao's incident, the old man and the others stayed up all night last night and couldn't sleep.

They couldn't accept that a little girl in her early twenties was a powerful Jinmo.

Jin Chun, who has always been unsmiling in the Jin Consortium, is like a gentle brother in front of her.

Under pressure, they had to ask the queen for help and asked her to talk to Tang Qianmiao.

News came back last night that she would think about it for a few days.

This news made the old man so angry that he kept it in his heart all night and didn't come out.

At daybreak, the queen came again.

Yu's father came to announce the good news: "Dad, it has been resolved, and the Jin family agreed to cooperate!"

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the duke's mansion could finally save its face.

"By the way, where is Manman? That girl hasn't come back yet?"

Father Yu snorted: "Let her go, this girl also needs to relax."

The old man nodded and walked into the room.

He clicked on the video connection that he hadn't used for a long time, and after a while, he was connected to old man Feng.

The two old men looked at each other for a few seconds, their eyes full of helplessness.

"What should we do now? The Alliance will probably change their mind," said Old Man Yu.

Old Man Feng had a serious face: "Thousands of calculations have been made, but she has the Jin family as her backer. In terms of strength, it will be difficult to find another girl like her."

"But don't forget that she has a short life. Jiang Yuan has hypnotized Feng Xian. If this child leaves in the future, Feng Xian will not be able to survive. Then the cultivation of him these years by the few of us is not good. Is it all in vain?"

Old Man Feng sighed, his eyes downcast.

That's what bothered him the most.

"The alliance still doesn't know about her body. After the identity of Jin's shareholder was revealed yesterday, they came to the news and have no objection."

Mr. Yu was excited: "Then we must tell them!"

Feng Lao: "For now, we can only take another look. Maybe these two children have rebellious personalities. The more we block them, the more affectionate they will be. On the contrary, if we don't care, they may cause conflicts on their own."

Mr. Yu was about to speak when he suddenly heard a shout from outside.

"Old Feng, I'll go out and have a look first. I have to raise the issue of the girl's body with the Alliance."

After all, I hung up the video.

When he walked out of the room, he saw one of his grandsons rushing in.

"Grandpa, it's bad! Manman is missing!"


"Uncle and aunt have already gone to look for her. They thought she had been staying at a friend's house last night. Who knew she didn't go there after calling today!"

"Then where did she go! Tell me!" the old man shouted.

"She went to find Luo Yan! Luo Yan is gone too, and Luo's house was burned!"

"When did this happen?!"

"After the state banquet last night!"

This news sent a thunderbolt to the Duke's mansion. The old man used all the power to find him, and the whole family was going crazy.

Jiang Yuan, who came here after hearing the news, immediately rushed to the northern suburbs.

At this time, Qian Miao's people had been searching all night.

On the way back last night, she answered a phone call from Cang Lan, saying that Luo's house was on fire and the damage was not serious, but Luo Yan disappeared, and Yu Manman disappeared after him.

They found clues on the surveillance, it was a group of very fast warriors.

From all aspects, let her confirm at a glance that this group of people is the No. 13 faction that attacked Wei Wu at the beginning.


(The main story is coming again... Next, I will slowly unravel the various pits buried in the early stage, including the reason why Tang Yi is so indifferent to Qian Miao)

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