His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1323 Those people are related to several of your big families

Chapter 1323

Qian Miao said slowly: "But you are not willing to give up like this, so you have been secretly continuing to study."

"Yes, but it's not just us!"

Jiang Yuan gritted his teeth and said, "At most we improved it to eliminate the side effects of the second-generation medicine, but those people came up with a plan for a new human! They want to transform human beings! They even want to rule human beings!"

"This kind of anti-human research has been going on for more than ten years, and more and more people have been victimized!"

Feng Xian's eyes sank slightly: "Who are they... exactly?"

Jiang Yuan raised his eyes suddenly and stared into his eyes.

After a while, he said, "You know Yingrui Company, right?"

Feng Xian: "It's a pharmaceutical company in country M, which is one of the world's top 500 companies."

"That's right! Those people used the Anglo-Swiss company as a cover to carry out this kind of experiment secretly. Unfortunately, I have never been able to find any real evidence of their harm. In addition, the laws of country M in this regard have never been perfect. , All kinds of difficulties stand in front of me, I am powerless, otherwise I will go to the Federation to sue them!"

"Sir, you haven't answered his question directly. Who are those people?" Qian Miao looked at him and asked.

Jiang Yuan sat down and hesitated: "I only know that those people are related to several of your big families. I don't know how much they participated in."

Feng Xian's eyes were deep: "What do you mean, sir?"

"Well, I'm just guessing. Because the only people who knew about this experimental project back then, apart from us researchers, were only relevant officials and major investors. These investors mainly included your Feng family, Tang family, and Bai family. Shi family, Cang family.

When the first-generation product was launched, they got high returns, tasted the sweetness, and saw the prospect of this project, so I don't think they will give up easily. "

"The problem is that they have found a reasonable way to hide themselves, and we have nothing to do with them."

Feng Xian said: "I don't know these things."

Jiang Yuan said in a deep voice: "Of course you don't know! Because you are not the top leader of the Feng family, the only people in the Feng family who know about this matter are your grandfather and aunt!"

He was a little excited, and said: "For each big family, only the head of the family can grasp this secret. They formed an alliance to check and balance each other's power. It's just that your Feng family and the Bai family have fallen out. I think, maybe the Feng family Not necessarily involved in this matter.”

Qian Miao was puzzled: "What alliance?"

She had heard of the word alliance before, but didn't quite understand it.

Jiang Yuan: "This alliance refers to an alliance composed of prominent families from major countries in the Asian region and Taishizhou region. There are mainly 30 large and small, just like chambers of commerce.

They will elect a few elders who have the most say, as well as a president. Once there is a conflict among members, the alliance will take effect.

Now, the position of president is taken by the He family of country C, because their family has a president with great prestige. Secondly, four elders have been elected, and country G has two, namely the Feng family and the Bai family. Family, both of these two families have their elders in charge, unlike your Tang family, your grandfather is gone, grandma doesn't care about things, and your father is not qualified enough. "

Qian Miao nodded slightly, and understood.

"Is the heir they mentioned the next president candidate?"

Jiang Yuan raised his eyebrows: "That's right, they deliberately cultivated young students to sit in that position. Country G chose you and Bai Mucheng from the Bai family."

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