His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1325: The Story Behind Feng Xian's Eye Injury

Chapter 1325

She thought of other people, and asked, "Do you know where the other researchers are going? To be honest, we have been looking for other Xs. At present, we are only missing X-6."

Jiang Yuan withdrew his thoughts from the 17-year incident, and cast a meaningful look on Feng Xian's face.

"I don't know. We held a general meeting in 2014. We were discovered halfway, and we never got together again. Before that, we knew that those people had always wanted to arrest us and control us, so that we could be used by them. Underground research, we had no choice but to hide, and later, some people suspected that Yun Huan and Qian Ru were traitors, so they gradually alienated them, but they were discovered, and only then did we know that the traitors were not them, but Haixi."

"So it's Haixi..." Qian Miao murmured.

"Why, you know these things?"

"Well, I heard Professor Nan's daughter mention it before."

Jiang Yuan nodded: "It's useless to know that it's Haixi. I only found out about this last year. Now we are all wandering around and have no contact. If there is news, I will tell you."

He added: "I've always felt that there is one thing that is very strange."

Qian Miao met his gaze: "Sir, please tell me something."

Jiang Yuan: "In these years, not only me, but even those people don't seem to know about your situation. I only recently found out that you are a second-generation victim. It stands to reason that the second-generation living victims are only You are alone, if those people find you, they will definitely arrest you for research. Even the people from the Nebula Project did not follow you, but they found Wei Wu, the adopted daughter of Professor Nan. In this case, there is only one possibility, That means your information has been erased, no one can find out about you, and someone is protecting you."

Qian Miao said: "I have been pursued since I was thirteen years old. It was my mother and senior brother who helped me. It was finally solved when I was sixteen or seventeen."

Jiang Yuan said in a long voice: "So that's how it is."

After saying that, he glanced at Feng Xian again.

Feng Xian opened his lips: "Sir, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Jiang Yuan was a little embarrassed to be found thinking carefully.

After a while, he asked, "Your eyes have been hurt."

When Qian Miao heard this, the curiosity in her heart that had been buried for a long time was suddenly awakened.

Back then, she had always wondered why Feng Xian's eyes were hurt.

Feng Xian: "It was indeed slightly injured."

Jiang Yuan lowered his head and smiled faintly, and said, "It's all caused by your aunt, you don't know yet."

Feng Xian frowned and lowered his eyes in thought.

Jiang Yuan talked about the past again: "Actually, I just heard about this incident, and I didn't witness it with my own eyes. It is said that...you went around with your aunt at that time, and she intended to pass on all her life's skills to you, but once she To be found by that power, in order to protect you, she had no choice but to hurt your eyes, and tell those people that you didn't see anything, and won't reveal their secrets."

Recalling the past, Feng Xian has calmed down now, and said: "I was making medicine in the room at the time, and I did hear a lot of strange noises, and when I went out, my eyes were hurt."

"That's right. Those people are looking for your aunt. They want your aunt to work for them, but they don't want any outsiders to know about their plans. To them, you are the outsider. Your aunt wants To protect you, I did not hesitate to hurt your eyes, but there is someone else who saved you."

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