His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1329 Exploration

Chapter 1329

She calls back.

At the same time, go out and meet Feng Xian.

The location is in the mountains 30 kilometers away from here. The mountains over there are steep and various mountain roads crisscross. Once you enter, it is easy to get lost.

When she was driving fast, a car suddenly appeared in front of her, forcing her car to stop abruptly!

"Who is that!" Jiang Yuan craned his neck to look.

The door of the gray off-road vehicle opened, and a man stepped on black boots, exuding wildness and righteousness all over his body.

He came to the front of her car, holding a document in his hand.

Qian Miao's eyes tightened: "It's an official."

Jiang Yuan narrowed his eyes: "An official person? Why did they come to look for you?"

Qian Miao didn't speak, her quiet eyes looked at the man outside the car without blinking, the atmosphere was silent.

She got out of the car and walked towards him.

The man stretched out his hand: "Miss Tang, I am Cao Li from the National Institute of Occult and Supernatural Phenomena. I am in charge of the case of the disappearance of BDR-related experimental subjects. I have been following Miss Tang for a long time."

There was a little smile on his lips.

"I don't know Captain Cao, why are you looking for me?"

He said: "I just want to tell you that your two friends are fine. Now that they are with us, you don't need to look for them. Our people will soon destroy Pan Zhiling's lair and rescue the victim."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan got out of the car in a hurry: "Really? What about them?!"

"They'll be back soon."

As soon as the words were finished, Feng Xian called and said that he met a group of people on the road, people from country G.

Qian Miao glanced at Cao Li.

Cao Li smiled and said, "How is it? I didn't lie to you, did I? We have been watching this matter for a long time. This time they took action to arrest people. We followed the clues to find their lair and took them down in one fell swoop."

He smiled, but his eyes were inexplicably aggressive.

Qian Miao felt strange: "Captain Cao stopped me, just to explain this matter?"

Cao Li raised his eyebrows: "Miss Tang thought, what else can I do?"

There was a test in his eyes.

Qian Miao lowered her eyes, not sure if all her affairs had been taken care of by the authorities, perhaps, the other party was trying to trick her.

She didn't say any more, just said: "Thank you."

After the words fell, he turned and walked to the car.

Cao Li stepped forward, slowly blocked her way, and said, "Miss Tang!"

The four eyes met, as if there were two forces that were ready to go and were secretly competing.

Suddenly, Cao Li's eyes softened, and he smiled: "You are hurt, post it."

He had an extra Band-Aid in his hand.

Qian Miao followed his line of sight to look down, and finally saw a two centimeter long scratch on the back of her hand, and there was some blood, not much.

The bright red blood exudes a faint smell of blood into the air.

She took the Band-Aid: "Thank you."

Cao Li: "If there is a chance, we will meet again."

With a deep smile, he looked deeply at her before turning around and getting into the car.

The car galloped forward, like a wild and untrainable beast.

Jiang Yuan came up: "When did you get hurt? Looking at the wound, it hasn't been more than five minutes!"

Qian Miao stared at the car and said, "He did it on purpose."


"That's right." Qian Miao turned and walked to the car, explaining lightly: "He already suspected that I was also one of the experimental subjects, but there was no sufficient evidence, so he wanted to see if my blood was the same as other experimental subjects. Pale red."

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