His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1332 Husband, I seem to have said something wrong just now

Chapter 1332

Qiao Shiwan was standing in the flower garden waving at her, with a smile on her face: "Come over for breakfast after running, Aunt Wan made your favorite."

Qian Miao was stunned.

She ran to the bottom of the stairs and looked up at the woman standing high: "Aunt Wan, why are you here?"

"I moved here yesterday, and we'll be living here for a while!" She laughed, still holding a spatula in her hand.


"Hmm! Me and Ah Xian, and your uncle, by the way, there is also Shengli, one, two, three, four, five, six, and your toffee."

This is moving home...

Qian Miao recalled the look in Feng Xian's eyes when he sent her back last night, and suddenly understood.

"Brother Xian's idea?"

Qiao Shiwan ran down the steps, smiling and tightening her clothes: "It's cold, you should wear more. This one, it was your Brother Xian who said he would move here at first, and then I followed suit."

"Don't worry, don't worry, no matter what you say on the Internet, it's what the old man means. Your uncle and I only have you in our hearts."

Looking at the smiling woman in front of her, Qian Miao felt warm in her heart.

From the moment they met, Qiao Shiwan treated her as well as her own daughter, and she cherished this heart-warming affection.

"Thank you, Aunt Wan."

"Thank you, Aunt Wan has a wish, you just have to fulfill it." She smiled ambiguously.

Qian Miao smiled slightly: "Please tell me."

Qiao Shiwan covered her mouth and smiled, and said a little embarrassedly: "In the future, when you get married, just give Aunt Wan a few more grandchildren."

Qian Miao's smile froze, and at this moment, something jumped up from her heart, wrapping her heart coldly.

Qiao Shiwan's smile froze, she felt something was wrong.

"Aunt Wan, I'm going for a run first." She said softly.

Qiao Shiwan hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, let's go."

Qian Miao nodded, turned and ran away, but her footsteps were not as light as before.

It happened that Feng Yan walked down the steps, saw her and asked, "Why are you standing here?"

"Husband, I seem to have said something wrong just now."

Feng Transcendent was suspicious: "What?"

Qiao Shiwan frowned, and couldn't help pinching her husband's arm with her fingers, worried: "I just said a few words casually, and told Miaomiao that I hope she and Ah Xian can give me more grandchildren after marriage, and then her expression Lost a lot."

"Is she disappointed in me? Think I'm the kind of wicked mother-in-law who forces her daughter-in-law to have a baby?"

Feng Yan comforted: "No, Miaomiao is not this kind of child, she should have her own concerns."

Qiao Shiwan regretted: "If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't mention it. I thought she also liked children very much, so I deliberately picked a somewhat ambiguous topic to promote the relationship between the young couple."

"Don't think too much, maybe she thought of something else."

Qiao Shiwan sighed.

After Qian Miao ran three laps, a layer of sweat broke out on her back.

She sat on a chair in the park, staring at the ant army on the ground in a daze.

After a while, she saw a bitch nestling in the grass, with two puppies playing around her.

There was envy in her eyes.

"very nice."

She looked back in search of a familiar scent, and she saw Feng Xian.

He was also in sports attire, with a little sweat on his forehead, and he seemed to have come running.

He walked over, his eyes passing over the dogs.

He squatted down, stretched out his hand to tie her loose shoelace, and asked softly, "Are you hungry?"

Qian Miao didn't have the desire to speak, she shook her head lightly, her eyes returned to those puppies.

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