His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1335 Misty, help...

Chapter 1335

After leaving the school, Qian Miao rushed to the base.

Just this morning, Feng Xian had negotiated with Pan Zhiling and persuaded her to join the research team.

She proposed to organize all the people to have a meal together tonight, familiar with each other, now in the past, it was just the time for meal when they arrived.

Halfway through the car, the phone rang loudly.

"Uncle Qian?"

"Miaomiao, are you here?"

"On the road, there is a traffic jam."

"What about Mr. Feng?!"

Qian Miao slowly followed the car in front of him and moved forward for a short distance, and returned to him by the way: "He just came back, and the company has a lot of business waiting for him to deal with, so we won't be able to go tonight."

"Oh! What can I do! Pan Zhiling and Jiang Yuan are fighting for the captain's position, and neither of them accepts the other! Oh my god, no one thinks that they are dozens of years old! My old face Shame on them!"

Qian Miao heard the faint noise coming from the other end of the phone, and said calmly, "Okay, I get it, don't worry, I'll pass right away."

Hurry up slowly, and finally arrived at the base an hour later.

She walked in with a small backpack, wearing straight-leg black pants and a loose and casual white shirt, exuding a charming heroic and cool look.

As soon as the footsteps stepped in, the noise inside automatically quieted down.

She glanced indifferently, a group of people, divided into two groups centered on Jiang Yuan and Pan Zhiling, were trying to persuade them to fight.

Lu Wanyu is an expert in fighting, but at this time her hair has become messy and messy, panting, she looks at her for help: "Miaomiao, you are here!"

The black chicken on the other side, two buttons of the black suit were torn off, the yellow tie flew to the back of the shoulder, and three stripes hung from the corner of his mouth. When he saw her, his facial features twisted: "Boss...help..."

The expressions of the others were much the same.

Qian Miao's eyes glanced over Jiang Yuan, focusing on the woman opposite. The woman looks at most thirty-six or seventy-six, more than ten years younger than her actual age, tall, with neat short hair close to the ear, oval face, high nose bridge, high cheekbones, thin lips, round eyes, vaguely youthful At that time, she was handsome and charming, with sharp eyes, and she was quite difficult to get along with.

After seeing her, she loosened Jiang Yuan's clothes vigorously, patted the dust on her hands, and walked towards her: "We finally met, let's settle it, you tell him yourself, who is the boss of the laboratory .”

Jiang Yuan came over with staring eyes: "In terms of qualifications, I am deeper than you! Who else here is more capable than me!"

Pan Zhiling sneered, with contempt in her eyes: "How many years ago? Do you think you were still the second place back then? I was still at the bottom of the crane? Time has passed, and now, I am much more capable than you!"

Qian Miao nodded: "I understand."

With a calm expression on her face, she said something that both of them were looking forward to.

Then, suddenly, her finger pointed to a certain wall.

Jiang Yuan and Pan Zhiling turned their heads to look at the same time, and saw four large characters on the wall: Unity and Friendship.

"Both of you are elders. I hope you can set a good example for us all to get along with each other. The captain of the team has always been Uncle Qian. I have never thought about nor plan to change the captain."

Pan Zhiling frowned: "I want to talk to Mr. Feng! Talking to him makes me feel comfortable and makes me feel like a family member. Talking to you, I can't, you are still too young!"


(Bi today, good night, ask for a monthly ticket!)

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