His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1338 Heartless Little Scoundrel

Chapter 1338

Looking at the takeaway list again, it is a delivery from Malatang.

"Damn it, don't eat it."

A murmur came from overhead.

He looked up, just in time to see the back of Qian Miao walking in.

Tang Yi was about to say something, thought for a while, and held back.

He summoned the driver, said a few words, the driver nodded, ran out immediately, and drove away.

Qian Miao went downstairs and wanted to find instant noodles to buy, but she couldn't find it after searching for a long time. After thinking about it, Lu Wanyu and the other two solved it that night, and they didn't stock up afterwards.

She took an apple and gnawed it, then walked into the fragrance room.

Half an hour later, she heard an urgent voice——

"Sir! The young master has been sent to the hospital again! My wife told you to hurry over there!"

Not long after these words fell, the outside was completely quiet.

The annoying smell on Tang Yi's body also disappeared.

She didn't care, and continued to perfume.

After another half hour, she was really hungry, so she planned to go out.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw two five-layer food boxes placed at the door.

She squatted down, opened her eyes, and found that there were some bland food inside, including chicken, duck, fish, meat and shrimp, and the recipe was bland.

There was no message on the food box, and her spicy hot takeaway was also gone.

Two little heads popped out of the grass next door.

"Big sister, we helped you get rid of that old villain." Xue Han asked for credit.

Qian Miao tugged at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Come here, I invite you to eat."

"Oh yeah!"

All the meals were served on the table, and the two little guys had a great time eating.

Xue Nuan asked her: "Big sister, why don't you eat?"

Qian Miao was silent for a while, and said lightly: "My sister doesn't eat the old scoundrel's stuff."

"Then we won't eat it either!" Xue Han threw away the chicken leg and the chicken wing that his younger brother was eating.

The younger brother licked his lips, still wanting more.

"You have already eaten, if you give up halfway, you will be struck by thunder." Qian Miao raised an eyebrow.

The two little guys seemed to be frightened, and hesitated for a moment: "Then let's spit it out."

Qian Miao curled her lips and said, "Eat, the bad guys are old guys, not these vegetables, food is hard to come by, so don't waste it."

"Then sister eats too!"

Qian Miao looked at the chicken leg in front of Tunnel, silent for a long time, took it, but did not enter it.

The doorbell rang.

She put down the chicken legs and went to open the door.

Bai Mucheng stood at the door carrying fresh ingredients, with a gentle smile on his handsome face.

"It seems that if I don't come to you, you really don't come to me, you heartless little villain." He joked.

Qian Miao raised her eyebrows: "No wonder I always felt like I forgot something, it turned out to be you."

Bai Mucheng changed his shoes and walked in, smelled the smell, looked at the dining table, and immediately saw two children who were devouring food.

"Have you eaten?"

The two children glanced at him and murmured about his identity together.

A relieved smile appeared on Qian Miao's lips: "I would rather eat what you cook."

Bai Mucheng frowned: "Wait a minute."

"By the way, senior brother, you..." She remembered something and stopped him.

Bai Mucheng looked back: "Huh?"

Qian Miao hesitated for a moment, and said, "Forget it, we'll talk after dinner."

"Sure." Bai Mucheng replied heartily, and went to the kitchen with the ingredients.

Qian Miao was about to help when she suddenly saw two little guys together, sneaking around.

She walked over calmly, reached out and snatched their mobile phones, just in time, she saw a newly edited message on it.

[Report, that man came to see Eldest Sister again, and he has to cook for Eldest Sister. 】

Recipient: Brother Feng Xian.

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