His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1340 I really envy you

Chapter 1340

When Bai Mucheng brought out the last dish, there was nothing else on the table except the hot food.

He walked over and saw the message on the table.

[You guys have a good talk. 】

Just as he was thinking about the meaning of these words, the door was pushed open.

Feng Xian stood at the door with a solemn expression, holding some food in his hand.

The four eyes met, and the atmosphere was quite tense.

Bai Mucheng's hands unconsciously crumpled the message into a ball of paper, and threw it into the trash can next to it.

"sit down."

Feng Xian seemed to have known the reason for coming here a long time ago, he didn't ask about Qian Miao's whereabouts, he walked in with a calm expression, opened his seat and sat down.

Quiet table, eerie atmosphere.

Facing the table full of delicacies, the two of them remained motionless.

After a while, Feng Xian opened his lips: "When my eyes were hurt, you were the one who saved me. For this matter, I owe you a favor."

A flash of surprise flashed in Bai Mucheng's eyes, and he regained his composure after a while, poured a glass of wine, and took a sip by himself.

"Ow? I owe you, so I will pay you back that time."

Feng Xian's expression was dull: "You still don't know about Feng Can on me, it's two different things."

Bai Mucheng lowered his eyes, and his phoenix eyes were somewhat careless.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I didn't do what happened back then on purpose?"

Feng Xian looked directly at him, and was silent for a moment: "Then make it clear."

Bai Mucheng hesitated to speak, and smiled: "Forget it, just forget it, I can't explain it clearly, so what if I say it, it's useless."

He took another sip.

Suddenly, the quilt was crushed by him!

The sound of the cup body cracking was crisp and abrupt, making Feng Xian's eyes tighten slightly.

Broken pieces pierced the flesh, and blood dripped on the dining table.

The superficial calm has always been an illusion, only the non-stop forbearance is real, and when the forbearance reaches the extreme, it will also explode, and the outbreak will be sudden.

His soft eyes gradually became sharper, he raised them slowly, and met Shang Fengxian's cold gaze: "Sometimes, I really envy you."

He laughed: "You can hate, you can love, you can do whatever you want, but I can't."

Feng Xian looked at him with deep eyes, speechless for a moment, with complicated thoughts in his heart.

next door.

Qian Miao played poker with two children, and had several pieces of paper pasted on his nose, which was a sign of a loser.

"Big sister, you don't know how to play?"

Qian Miao withdrew her mind and looked at the child: "Deal the cards."

After finishing the sentence, he picked up the instant chicken leg next to him and took a bite.

Two hours later, the two children were drowsy, and a few stickers fell off from time to time.

Qian Miao let them go and let them go to rest, and she also returned to her home.

Before she walked in, her nose was covered by the strong smell of alcohol, making her nose itchy slightly.

Gently opened the door, at the dining table, the two men were drunk, and all the wine had bottomed out.

Walking to the table, they saw their hands clasped together.

Qian Miao frowned, a little confused, and didn't know if the deal was settled in the end.

She grabbed their hands and was about to separate them, when she suddenly realized that they were not asleep, nor were they holding hands, but were competing.

Similar to arm wrestling.

When she saw Bai Mu's injured left hand, she was startled, and quickly brought the medicine kit to bandage him.

The wound had stopped bleeding, and the cuffs were red.

She subconsciously looked towards Feng Xian, grabbed the other hands to check, found no injuries, and threw them aside.

Bai Mucheng hooked his lips, and took the initiative to release his right hand, not continuing to compete with Feng Xian.

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