His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1345 Very sensitive, very inferior

Chapter 1345

The girl became more and more unrestrained, seeming to be dancing hotly, but her slender palms were stroking Feng Can's chest as if nothing, her waist twisted accordingly, and her smile became more and more alluring.

Feng Can kept a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, his hands were not slack in the slightest, and the melody was not affected at all.

The girl seemed dissatisfied with the result, and when the end was drawing to a close, she suddenly raised her head and kissed Feng Can's cheek.

There was a lot of wow at the scene!

Feng Can couldn't hold back anymore, and the last melody was ruined because of this!

He took two steps back, facing the girl's arrogant smile, as if he was at a loss.

A group of boys in the audience booed and asked him to kiss him back.

Not only was the girl not shy, but she leaned closer, pointed at her face and shook her head, then moved her finger to her lips and said, "There is a kind of kiss here."

The atmosphere at the scene is very hot!

Foreign countries are already open, and this level is nothing to them. After a while, the shouts became a unified voice, urging Feng Canqin to come back.

Feng Can was not as embarrassed as before, so he responded with a light smile.

Then he bowed slightly to everyone, the meaning was obvious, don't embarrass him.

The girl frowned.

At this time, the host came on stage and announced that the time was almost up.

But at this moment, the girl made another surprise move and kissed Feng Can's lips.

Feng Can turned his face away, and that shallow kiss landed on his chin.

The girl raised her hands to face the audience, made a gesture of victory, and smiled extremely.

Behind the auditorium, there was a faint air-conditioning from a certain position.

Lu Wanyu persuaded softly: "Don't jump to conclusions, Feng Can is hiding, I saw him hiding."

Qian Miao: "It's better to ask him directly, guessing like this will only increase misunderstandings."

Wei Wu lowered her head and said sullenly: "I'm going to the bathroom."

She went out from the aisle, her small figure didn't attract many people's attention.

Qian Miao and the others didn't follow, and wanted her to be alone for a while and think.

Lu Wanyu puffed her cheeks, angry and depressed: "Feng Can really cheated, right? If that's the case, then I really don't trust men anymore, there is no one good."

Qian Miao slightly raised his eyes and glanced at her.

Lu Wanyu smiled: "Of course, except for Mr. Feng, Mr. Feng is really good at killing peach blossoms. Even the media can't catch his fancy topics."

As she spoke, her phone rang.

"Ah, I'm going to answer the phone."

Her face changed slightly, and she went out with her mobile phone.

Qian Miao hummed, leaned back, looked at the girl walking backstage, and frowned slightly.

The restrooms in the auditorium are behind the stage.

Wei Wu randomly entered a cubicle, sat on the toilet seat, stared blankly at the door in a daze.

The scene of Feng Can interacting with the girl on the stage flickered in front of his eyes.

At this second, she suddenly felt that whether there was a story between them was no longer important, what was important was the sense of inferiority that spontaneously emerged in her heart.

The environment of her native family made her very sensitive and low self-esteem since she was a child. In her eyes, a casual word or a look from others may not be over-interpreted as hellish contempt.

She tried her best to make herself stronger, thinking that she could get rid of that cowardly and inferior self, but now she realized that it was not enough.

Once some things appear, they will be haunted for a lifetime. They may be buried, but they will never disappear.

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