His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1348 Trust Him Unconditionally

Chapter 1348

After being praised by him for her cooking skills that day, she went home that night and cooked a lot of food. If she couldn't finish it by herself, she gave it to her neighbors.

Since then, she, who already loves cooking, loves this craft even more.

She never wanted something so firmly, it was he who changed her.

She wants to be with him.

So, she plucked up the courage to confess to him, and persuaded her heart to pursue love.

But no one knew that after each of her bravery, there was a long period of restlessness.

She is not as free and fearless as she appears on the surface, and she is also afraid of losing.

She is... a person who is strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

Looking at Feng Can with blurred eyes, his outline and facial features also became blurred.

"Xiao Wu." Feng Can called her softly, holding her cold hand.

Wei Wu's hand twitched, her eyes lowered.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to let her kiss me, and I didn't know it beforehand."

Feng Can didn't know what to say, he wanted to comfort him, but his mouth was very clumsy.

He has zero experience in this area, and he can't resist the negative emotions of girls. Even though he is anxious like a headless chicken, he doesn't know where to start in action.

He apologized over and over again, and gently wiped away Wei Wu's tears with his cold hand.

Wei Wu bowed her head in silence, not knowing what she was thinking.

Suddenly, she thought of something, raised her face again, and rubbed his chin and cheeks with her fingers stubbornly.

The tears flowed more fiercely.

Seeing that she finally reacted, Feng Can laughed despite the pain, and wiped vigorously with his hands: "I'll wash my face later."

As he spoke, he simply grabbed a handful of snow and wiped it on his face, his face was flushed red from the cold.

Wei Wu's heart softened: "Don't..."

Feng Can smiled at her and was about to speak when he suddenly realized that her eyes were down again and she was not looking at him.

The atmosphere slowly turned cold.

The two sat for a while, neither of them spoke.

Wei Wu is a taciturn character, and she is bored about everything.

Although Feng Can was a talkative person, at this time he was worried that he would make too many mistakes, so he didn't dare to speak casually, feeling extremely anxious.

"I'll take you to dinner." He choked out a sentence.

"I have no appetite, you go back and leave me alone."

This sound is quite astringent, and it is against my will to say it.

Feng Can thought for a while, then simply sat down, "Then I will accompany you."

Seeing him like this, Wei Wu couldn't help but feel a sore nose again.

She got up at last and went down with him.

Standing on the ground, the top of her head only reached under Feng Can's chin. Feng Can couldn't help reaching out and touching the back of her head, and said, "I didn't cheat, really."

This sound directly touched the softness in Wei Wu's heart, she couldn't restrain herself, she turned around and hugged him, and buried her face in his chest, sobbing softly.

She believed in Feng Can, unconditionally.

It was not others who tortured her, but the cowardly self in her heart.

Feng Can has always been ignorant in this relationship, and because of the distance, he is actually very uneasy. He has been unable to accurately grasp the point of the role of boyfriend, but he wants Wei Wu to be happy. This is the clearest thing in his heart want to.

After the mood stabilized, Feng Can took her hand and walked back, going directly to the location sent by Qian Miao.

The two didn't know what Qian Miao was going to do, so they quickened their pace and went over to have a look.

In the empty classroom, there were only three people.

Qian Miao and Lu Wanyu sat on the podium, looking at the man holding a camera.

He is an unfamiliar face, with an unshaven beard, and he is from G country.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Feng Can and the two arrived.

"Sister Miao, why did you pass this way?" Feng Can's suspicious eyes glanced over the man, focusing on Qian Miao's face.

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