His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1354 You are so good, let me hug you

Chapter 1354

Feng Xian was silent for a while, and said: "I asked for her last night."

Cang Ze became silent all of a sudden, then chuckled: "You really are...a good man."

He considered for a while, and spit out the three words "good man".

"What age is it now? You're going to get married when you go to bed? Did she ask you?"

There was a cold silence.

Cang Zeyue seemed to see his cold eyes, so he restrained himself and said seriously: "If this hadn't happened, would you still propose at this time?"

Feng Xian said indifferently: "This is something within the plan, as you said, I will see the timing."

Cang Zeyue laughed again: "So you think last night is the time?"

"Ah Xian, I have to say, you are so pure."

"Stop talking nonsense." The cold male voice was indifferent.

"Okay, then I have to think about it."

Cang Ze thought for a while, and frowned: "I don't have any ideas, to be honest, I have never proposed before, and I have no experience."


Not even a second after the sound of Feng Xian was heard, there was a beeping sound on the phone.

Before Cang Zeyue recovered, he was silent for a while, and suddenly he laughed.

It was a smile full of blessings.

in the bedroom.

Lu Wanyu blinked, glanced around the room, and then froze.

Maybe it was too dreamy, she patted her face vigorously, and then opened her eyes to look again.

I couldn't help but uttered a rough sentence.

She can probably remember what happened last night. She was in a daze and thought it was a dream at first, but she became more and more conscious at any time before she realized that it was something that actually happened.

Cang Zeyue bumped into her when she was drunk and crazy, and then he brought her home.

Others are separated and never see each other again in this life, but she is different. After breaking up, she sees more times than when she was in love.

And it's all by chance.

The embarrassing thing is that every time I meet her, she will say harsh words, probably some words that I want to avoid when I see them in the future, but God is against her, the more I don't want to see her, the more I deliberately make them meet.

It's okay when you're drunk, but it's terrible when you're sober because it's embarrassing.

She tidied up her appearance, picked up her phone and got out of bed, opened the door, and poked her head out.

There was a thin blanket on the sofa in the living room, and there was no one on it, and it looked like he had just woken up.

She took a deep breath, intending to leave without saying goodbye to avoid embarrassment.

Just then, she heard a soft male voice coming from the kitchen next to her.

She tensed up and her hairs stood on end.

After a while, she was relieved when no one came out of the kitchen.

Just as he was about to leave, he heard the man's voice clearly.

"Wait a minute, I'll give you something to eat after I finish this."

This is... talking to her?

Shouldn't it?

"Little fish, come here."

Lu Wanyu was startled, she was indeed talking to her.

It's just this tone, why does it sound so ambiguous?

His tone was soft and gentle, as if coaxing.

She hesitated whether to go or not.

The man's voice came again: "You are so good, let me hug you."

Her eyes widened suddenly, and she looked at the wall suddenly, as if trying to pass through the wall.

The three words "You are crazy" are written all over the eyes.

Not to mention after breaking up, even when they were in love, Cang Zeyue never said such things to her.

Still in such a gentle tone.

"Are you hungry? Huh?"

Lu Wanyu couldn't bear it anymore, she walked quickly to the kitchen, and said angrily, "Hey! What do you mean?"

You have already broken up, but you still want to provoke her on purpose?

Looking closely, she suddenly froze.

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