His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1357 Her name is on the partner column

Chapter 1357

Feng Xian was dressed in a well-fitting and formal black suit, her figure was tall and straight, her body was imposing, and her whole body was full of nobility like an emperor who conquered one side in the middle ages, but the eyes that looked at her were full of affection and tenderness.

Holding a bouquet of very bright and beautiful roses, he walked slowly towards her.

Qian Miao didn't think about this scene. At this moment, she couldn't control her heartbeat, and it stimulated her one after another.

He came bathed in light, with a smile on his face, carrying all her happiness.

He returned on one knee in front of her, offering flowers.

"Miss Tang Qianmiao, may I ask, will you marry me?"

"Whether we live or die in the future, we will always join hands and never leave. Growing old together is not our pursuit, but it is definitely our destiny. I don't pursue growing old forever, I only pursue life after life with you."

His eyes were shining with sincerity: "Would you like to walk down with me?"

There were excited cheers all around: "Promise him! Promise him!"

The lights were brilliant and colorful, Qian Miao's eyes were clean, and he was the only one.

In the end, the princess took over the flowers in the prince's hand, and they hugged each other happily.

This night was a lively Christmas, it was also the day when Feng Xian made a successful marriage proposal, and it was also their engagement day.

Since then, the favorite of the financial world has been sealed, and the introduction on Baidu Encyclopedia, the column of partner is no longer blank.

Her name is Tang Qianmiao.


A week after the lively proposal ceremony, the enthusiasm is still there.

Tang Qianmiao has become the envy of women all over the country, but no one dares to say that she is unworthy.

He is strong, she is stronger.

This is the core of the discussion.

There is basically not much opposition from the public to this marriage, and everyone is looking forward to the arrival of the wedding day to see the excitement of the wealthy marriage.

For the person involved, Qian Miao felt no different from usual.

It's time to work, and it's time to learn.

The final exam will be over soon.

At the end of the semester, she has more identities than last year: a researcher at the Academy of Sciences, the CEO of Jingyun, and Feng Xian's fiancée.

The plan for the next semester has already taken shape in her mind.

Others besides her have also changed.

Bai Mucheng quit his job at Beijing University and returned to Wucheng, and he would come back once in a while.

Lu Wanyu began to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination, and often went back and forth between the school company and the laboratory.

The black chicken may have been stimulated by her, and changed his style of a chic prodigal son in the past, and started looking for a wife, and started trying with Polita by mistake.

Da Cang is still as undisciplined as ever. He runs a law firm and occasionally takes on a case. He has a lot of money, but he doesn't go back to take over it. The place he stays most often is the bar he owns. Speaking of which, his changes are minimal.

Feng Can was still watched by the old man, and he heard that his injury had healed, but his freedom was controlled, so he couldn't get out.

As for Wei Wu...

On the second day after the final exam, Qian Miao opened the door and saw Wei Wu squatting in front of the door.

She was wrapped in snowflakes, as if she had been squatting here all night.

She looked at Qian Miao with pleading eyes: "I heard from Professor Jiang that hypnosis can make people lose their memory, can you make him forget me?"

Qian Miao's face was silent, and after a while, he asked: "Why did you let him forget you, wouldn't it be better for you to forget him?"

Wei Wu shook her head and smiled lowly: "I don't want to forget him, he is the light in my life, I don't want to forget."

"And... I won't forget him. No power can make me forget him."

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