His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1360 Period

Chapter 1360

The couple turned serious and looked at Qian Miao.

Qian Miao took a deep breath and told her story concisely.

When it was mentioned that they might not be able to have children for the rest of their lives, Qiao Shiwan and Feng Yan had dignified expressions, but distressed eyes were revealed in their eyes.

Qian Miao was apprehensive.

She believed that Feng Xian loved her, and that Qiao Shiwan and his wife treated her well, but she also knew that some things were human.

If she was rejected for this matter, she would not blame anyone.

Unexpectedly, after Qiao Shiwan finished listening, she suddenly left the seat and came to hug her, sobbing softly.

Muttering choked words: "You have suffered, poor child, you have suffered..."

Feng Yan said to Feng Xian: "Don't worry, we are not that kind of pedantic parents, your happiness is in your hands, we won't interfere too much, it doesn't matter if you have children or not, as long as you always love each other, you will be happy." is the most important."

Qian Miao, who was always as hard as iron, suddenly cried.

She didn't lose her father's love and her mother's love, no.

Three days later, the fourth trial of this year began.

The night before the drug test, everyone couldn't sleep. This time it was almost a desperate attempt, mainly manifested in the composition of the new drug.

Jiang Yuan suggested adding meteorite crystal powder, and the others also decided to give it a try.

This test is different from the past, it needs to be carried out in three parts, the first time is today, the second time is a month later, and the last time is two months later, which happens to be close to their wedding day.

Early in the morning, Qian Miao came to the base. Compared with the others, she was the calmest.

The process of testing the drug is very simple. After taking the drug, you only need to wait two hours before doing a full-body examination and filing the data.

At lunch time, the drug testing is over.

Bai Mucheng didn't come over, Qian Miao sent him a message and made a report, and he responded well.

In the past few months, Bai Mucheng talked to her less and less.

In the afternoon, she goes back to school for class.

She learns very quickly. According to this progress, she can complete all undergraduate credits in June next year ahead of schedule.

In the last ten minutes of the last class, she lowered her head and sent a message to Feng Xian to chat about tonight's dinner.

With a few simple words, she can also talk with the corners of her mouth raised.

These ten minutes passed very quickly.

Feng Xian took a picture of her and said that she was almost at the gate of Peking University.

Just in time, the get out of class bell rang.

She briskly stuffed all the books into her backpack and walked through the back door.

This is a classroom on the first floor. The back door leads directly to a small garden, which is closer to the school gate.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air, as if a girl had her period.

She glanced casually, just in time to see Yu Manman quickly took out a tampon from her bag, stuffed it into her pocket, and then ran towards the bathroom.

She looked back and continued to walk towards the back door.

A familiar smell came from the back door, and Lin Wenyu's face appeared in her mind.

As expected, it was she who was waiting there.

She stopped her suddenly, her blackened eyes seemed to have not slept for several days, and the scarlet eyes were covered with red blood.

"I have something to tell you!"

Qian Miao looked indifferent, she had no desire to talk to her at all, and walked sideways.

Five seconds later, Lin Wenyu hurried to her and said with a sneer, "They are going to prepare for Tang Qianjiu's kidney transplant. I can't be the only one going, you have to go too! Otherwise, I'll publish this photo!"

She put the phone in front of Qian Miao's eyes, and there was a photo of Qian Miao's back on it. The most eye-catching thing in the photo is the rose-colored red on her white trousers.

Bright and eye-catching.

Her indifferent eyes suddenly became agitated, and all her attention was focused on a certain place, where there was indeed a feeling of something flowing out.

She...has her period!

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