His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1373 The Warmth of Father and Daughter

Chapter 1373

Feng Xian was very happy that she would ask for her own opinion instead of digesting it by herself. She really did it, the promise he once said to let him share her joys and sorrows together.

He thought for a while and said, "Since you are hesitant, give him a chance to try?"

He knew that Qian Miao longed for fatherly love, but at the same time was also afraid of disappointment.

That's why he arranged to have a meal to see Cang Ting's attitude.

Now it seems that he should have the qualifications to be a good father.

Hearing what he said, Qian Miao took the phone over and agreed to the other party's application.

She didn't take the initiative to send a message, so she put her phone aside and was about to go to sleep when she heard two buzzing sounds.

Feng Xian pulled his lips: "It's him."

Qian Miao pursed her lips slightly, turned her face away, and buried herself in his chest, said in a muffled voice, "You can help me see."

Following her will, Feng Xian reached out and took out the phone, and clicked on it to read.

After looking at it, he said, "It's not him."

Qian Miao stuck her head out of his arms, and took the phone to look at it herself.

The new news was indeed not sent by Cang Ting, but by Feng Can, who reported to her that he came back from a two-day holiday and asked her if she wanted to bring something.

A dim light flashed from her eyes.

Feng Xian took the phone away and said: "Go to sleep first, you can see it when you get up tomorrow."

She didn't speak.

That night, she slept extremely restlessly.

When I woke up in the morning, it was only half past six, and it was still dark outside.

Feng Xian was still sleeping, she tried to go back to sleep, but she didn't fall asleep, so she reached for her phone to watch.

There are thirty-five unread messages displayed on WeChat.

Rarely has she been so nervous about these new additions as she is now.

There are even some apprehensions.

Faintly, it can be suppressed with a little pressure.

After a while, she regained her calm appearance, and casually clicked on WeChat to read it.

In the newly added message box in front, Cang Ting is the first one.

[Cang Ting: Good morning, it's cold, remember to add clothes, eating breakfast before eight o'clock is good for your health. 】

She clicked in and took a look, and found that he also sent a message at two o'clock in the morning last night.

[Cang Ting: Girl, going to bed early is good for your health. I just finished work, so I didn't see the news just now, sorry. 】

She didn't reply, and suddenly pressed the phone on the bed, her eyes were slightly closed.

After a while, she turned around, looked at Feng Xian's sleeping face quietly, and fell into thinking.

After a while, she returned a message to Cang Ting.

【thanks. 】


Although the weather is getting colder, the streets in Beijing at 8:00 am are already bustling with people and traffic.

Cang Ting's commercial vehicle was hidden in it, slowly moving forward with the queue of traffic jams.

He put down his laptop, looked at his phone, and suddenly smiled.

The driver and secretary at the front heard the laughter and was immediately curious: "Chairman, what makes you so happy?"

Cang Ting has always been a man of few words, he doesn't show his emotions or anger, and others rarely see him smile, so seeing him revealing his true feelings at this time, one can't help being curious.

Cang Ting smiled lightly, and put the phone aside: "It's nothing."

The driver looked at it and wondered secretly. This is not only happy, but secret joy. What is it?

"Chairman, since you are in the capital, why don't you persuade the young master to go home and take over the company this time. You can also relax a bit, otherwise you will suffer like this every day, and your body won't be able to bear it."

Cang Ting fell into thought.

Cang Zeyue has already revealed that he does not want to inherit the family property. The reason is that he does not like to do business and thinks it is a bondage, so he does things here and there.

It's probably impossible to count on him.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of Qian Miao.

Being able to become the major shareholder of the Jin Corporation at this age is already much stronger than him.

He has always worried that there will be no one to inherit the family business, and there is a big rock in his heart, but now, this big rock seems to be able to fall to the ground.

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