His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1376 As long as the groom is right

Chapter 1376

Tang Qianheng was suddenly excited: "Married? Yes, I almost forgot, so fast!"

Lu Wanyu walked in and said with a smile, "Of course, next month."

She put the bag on the table and said, "Aunt Wan said, the wedding dress has been made, and all the dresses you wear to get married were designed by Mr. Feng himself. They are so beautiful. Please take a look at the pictures first. We will go there together tomorrow." try."

Qian Miao took the photo album and flipped through it, and at the first glance, she was caught by the blingbling light above, the light of diamonds.

She thought it would look tacky with so many inlays on the skirt, but looking at it now, she finds it very pleasing to the eye.

"It's so beautiful." Lu Wanyu exclaimed.

"Huh? And Feng Guanxiapei? Are you going to have two weddings?"

Qian Miao took a sip of water, and said lightly: "I don't know yet, Aunt Wan planned the wedding, and she hasn't decided which one to use yet."

"What about you? What kind of wedding do you want?"

Qian Miao leaned back, didn't care too much, and said casually: "It's all right, as long as the groom is right, the rest is not important."

Lu Wanyu smiled, with envy in her eyes.

An hour later, the two went to the experimental base to give Qian Miao a regular inspection.

From the second drug test until now, her condition has been very stable, and everything is moving in a good direction.

This is the happiest thing for everyone in the laboratory.

Wei Wu also spent the whole day soaking herself in the laboratory, doing related research, basically spinning around.

When Qian Miao was doing the examination, she finally took a break and waited outside with Lu Wanyu.

Lu Wanyu glanced at her, hesitated to speak, and didn't dare to tell her the news that Feng Can had returned.

The two have not seen each other since they broke up.

Wei Wu's condition was not good, she was very quiet, so she only had some conversations with the two of them.

She suggested: "Xiaowu, let's go for a walk, Miaomiao won't be able to come out for a while."

Wei Wu nodded, she didn't care.

Lu Wanyu made a special trip to the garden.

Although it was winter, Qian Miao deliberately divided the garden into four areas: spring, summer, autumn and winter, so there are seasonal flowers here all year round.

There are not only them, but also other people in the garden, but their voices are heard first, but they are not seen.

The two looked at each other without saying a word. They walked two steps forward and saw two people over there from a bustling wintersweet tree in full bloom.

It was Cang Zeyue and Qian Ru.

"Master Cang, what exactly are you looking for?"

Cang Zeyue glanced at both sides, then asked: "Uncle Qian, I do have something to ask you, please answer truthfully."

"Ask, ask, as long as I can tell."

"I want to know, is Xiaoyu's body completely healthy?"


Cang Ze became more serious: "Tang Qianqian and Wei Wu are her friends. I heard that the three of them got together because of this experiment. I want to know if Xiaoyu has that kind of medicine on her body like them. ?”

Qian Ru narrowed his eyes: "Master Cang, if you ask this, are you worried that you and Xiaoyu will face the same hardships as Feng Can and Wei Wu in the future? Being opposed by your family?"

As soon as these words came here, Lu Wanyu couldn't bear it anymore.

Because she clearly saw the emotional changes in Wei Wu's eyes.

Soon, Wei Wu made an excuse to go to the bathroom and left.

The mood just looks uncomfortable.

"Hey!" Lu Wanyu glared at Cang Ze more and more.

When the two looked at it, one was surprised and the other laughed.

"So Xiaoyu is here, so you can tell him in person, I'll go and see Miaomiao first."

Qian Ru hurried away to avoid getting hurt.


(Good night.)

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