His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1378 Invited to join the special operations team

Chapter 1378

They had already grasped the evidence that Qian Miao was a BDR experiment subject, and possessed certain abilities that ordinary people did not have. They took a fancy to her ability, so they personally invited her to join their group and participate in a special operation.

Cao Li did not elaborate on the content of the action, but mentioned a few words, saying that it was related to the experimental subject.

After all, that mysterious organizational experiment went wrong and caused a turmoil. It has caused a lot of sensation and was temporarily suppressed by the country.

The incident took place in a neighboring country of Jindan Country, which is a small country. At present, there are various rumors circulating among the people. The most exaggerated one is that zombies have appeared, they will bite anyone they see, and they will be contagious.

In fact, those people were just experimental subjects who fled, venting their pain through violence, which caused turmoil.

On Country G's side, after knowing that this matter was related to the original BDR, they wanted to investigate this matter, so they organized a special operation to let their small team go deep into the opponent's camp to investigate clearly.

Qian Miao listened to their simple narration, raised her lips slightly, and responded calmly: "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in your invitation."

Cao Li: "Miss Tang, you can make a condition. You have a lot of ability. Wouldn't it be a pity if you can't serve the country?"

Qian Miao smiled, leaned back, and said casually: "I don't have any conditions, if I'm not interested, I'm not interested, you guys go back."

The woman opened her mouth: "Miss Tang, don't refuse in a hurry, we will come back in two days, you should think about it in these two days."

Another man said: "We know that you are not short of money, you can think about what you need from other angles, the higher up may be able to satisfy you."

Qian Miao said lazily, as if interested: "What do I need? Let me think about it."

She thought for a while, then shrugged her shoulders slightly: "Sorry, I didn't think of it, please go back."

"Miss Tang, you have to think about it carefully. In your situation, the relevant department has a way to apply for research on you. At that time, if you are caught by those madmen of science and arrested for research, we will not be able to protect you."

Qian Miao laughed, didn't hear his voice, but felt mad: "Threatening me?"

Cao Li gave his female companion a look and told her not to speak.

Then, he said to Qian Miao: "We have considered for a long time before making this decision, I hope you can help us, if not, you can introduce other people, as long as they have the same special abilities as you, we are all very happy. welcome."

"Let me go." Suddenly a voice came in as the door opened.

Several people turned their heads, and immediately saw a petite and frail girl at the door.

It seems that she is a weak little girl who can easily arouse boys' desire for protection.

Qian Miao frowned slightly, she had noticed Wei Wu's arrival just now, so she expressed her attitude to these people so seriously.

Cao Li knew a little about her and knew some basic information, but not much.

"You are Wei Wu, one of the members of her laboratory."

Qian Miao heard the words and looked deeply at Cao Li, this group of people really investigated deeply.

Wei Wu approached and said, "Yes."

"What special skills do you have?" the woman asked.

Wei Wu thought for a while, but didn't speak, and silently picked up a chair with one hand, like carrying a bag.

The three of them saw it and looked at each other, very surprised.

"Apart from this, is there anything else?" Cao Li asked, suppressing his joy.

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