His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1380 Meeting

Chapter 1380

Many times, Qian Miao would watch him practice the piano and write songs alone in the piano room, and when she saw her, she would wave and say hello and smile a little, and would never be as interested in joking with her as before, or even showing off her cuteness.

Qian Miao sighed over the matter of the two of them, but could do nothing.

And she herself has a person who always wants to see, but doesn't know how to meet.

blue sky.

In the past few days, Cang Ting had to send her messages to greet her step by step, but he didn't mention the meeting.

Every day is just asking about your health, and she only occasionally replies with a sentence or two.

Cang Ting's appearance was too abrupt for her, and she couldn't get used to it all at once.

After so many days of getting along online, she felt that it was time to meet.

The time is about tomorrow.

When Cang Ting saw the message, he only sent one sentence.

[You decide the time and place, I will go there. 】

Qian Miao arranged for Wutong Ji and arrived on time.

When they arrived at the door, they saw two assistant-like figures standing on both sides of the door, it seemed that Cang Ting had arrived ahead of schedule.

Seeing her coming, the two people at the door bowed together and pushed the door open.

There was a burst of tea fragrance, accompanied by the beeping sound of pouring water. She walked slowly around the screen.

Sitting in the private seat in the house, the man is friendly and elegant, with a gentle temperament like a chrysanthemum, but there is a bit of domineering king deliberately restrained in his eyes.

Seeing her, Cang Ting paused slightly, then smiled: "Sit down."

Qian Miao's eyes did not move away from his eyes, but focused on the small mole at the end of his eyes.

It was a raised dot, about the size of a point made by a ballpoint pen.

She also had it when she was a child, but her hands were itchy, and she picked it off when she fell asleep one day.

Cang Ting's eyes slowly wandered over her body, seeing her simple attire, he asked, "Did you come here by motorcycle?"

"Hmm." She responded.

"Although motorcycles are convenient and cool, they are still relatively dangerous. It is better for girls to play less. By the way, your brother also likes to play with this, and is obsessed with it."

Qian Miao continued following the topic: "I met him because of racing."

There was a gratified smile in Cang Ting's eyes: "This is fate, somehow, you came together."

Qian Miao twisted her fingers slightly, but her face was as calm as water: "Let's order, it's noon."

Cang Ting was taken aback for a moment, and smiled amiably: "You're hungry, come on, order."

He actively put the menu in front of Qian Miao, with a smile similar to Feng Xian's but not the same indulgence.

"It's better for Mr. Cang to order some, I'll be the host today." She said.

A look of sadness flashed in Cang Ting's eyes, then he continued to smile and said, "Okay."

He followed her order and ordered a few dishes.

Qian Miao took a look at the dishes and unexpectedly discovered that they were all her favorite dishes.

This meeting was not as embarrassing as she expected, but rather comfortable.

Cang Ting would not casually ask her about the past, nor would she mention her life experience, and the topics of conversation were very comfortable.

Most of them revolve around Cang Zeyue.

After chatting, she realized that Cang Zeyue's obsession with traffic jams was actually inherited from his genes. When he was young, he was obsessed with modifying various cars in China, and won prizes with them.

She also knew what Cang Ting's life was like in the past few decades, monotonous but great, running a huge family business for decades, working tirelessly, and giving up many personal hobbies for this.

She also knew that besides the father and son, the Cang family also had several cousins ​​who lived together. They formed a big family and lived in a house that was bigger than the Feng family. It was very lively.

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