His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1386 Senior Brother, Don't Let Me Down

Chapter 1386

That was a scene that happened in the mountains more than ten years ago.

The rain was so heavy that it could hurt people, and the three of them hid in a cave to avoid the rain.

After nightfall, the rain stopped.

The sound of pattering rain kept ringing in his ears, he couldn't fall asleep, he raised his eyes and saw Xiao Shiyi holding a big banana leaf, gently supporting Feng Xian.

At that time, she thought they were all asleep, so she took off the helmet to breathe, her hair messily stuck to her cheeks, very cute, she didn't care about it at all, she firmly held a banana umbrella for Feng Xian with her hands, her eyes were curious Looking at Feng Xian's protective mask with affection, he smiled sweetly on his small face.

This image has been imprinted in his heart ever since, and occasionally it will appear to torment him once.

His hand attached to the screen slowly dropped, and he looked at Qian Miao: "Eleven, do you know why I didn't recognize you?"

Qian Miao's eyes paused, and she had a vague answer in her heart, but she couldn't speak.

Bai Mucheng said slowly: "Because I know that once I say it, you will definitely ask me who the boy with me is, and how I can meet him. Eleven, you admired him very much at that time , which makes me very unhappy."

His smile was a bit bitter: "I have selfish intentions, I want to hide you."

Qian Miao's eyes trembled slightly, and she turned her face sideways: "Stop talking."

Bai Mucheng approached step by step: "But your fate is not shallow, no matter how many times I separate you, you will always meet each other. Later, I thought about it, but I actually sent you to him with my own hands."

Qian Miao saw the remorse in his eyes, it seemed that it had been hidden for many years, and it was only today that it was revealed one by one, and it was truly exposed in front of her.

His smile became more bitter: "He went to Sheng'an Temple to recuperate at the age of nineteen because Feng Wei injured his eyes, and the reason Feng Wei injured his eyes was me."

Qian Miao's eyes tightened suddenly: "Why?"

But Bai Mucheng didn't answer her question, and said: "You entered the Dark League at the age of sixteen because I sent someone to chase you, and you hid in the Dark League by accident. Therefore, we met him again, and later we When I found out, I immediately went to the Dark Alliance to look for you, but you said you wanted to stay, and I knew at that time that the reason you stayed was because of him, and at that time, I thought it might be too late, but I still refused to admit defeat."

"Later, when I thought that you two would have nothing to do with each other, you went to live in his house. Soon, you told me that you might not be able to study in Uda. For him, you slowly abandoned the agreement with me. .

In the painting of the freshman party, you used the method I taught you to hide two sentences for him in the painting... Smile before you meet, and you will live your life after the first meeting...I just realized that it is late, everything is late up. "

"However, you will go to Feng's family. In fact, you have nothing to do with me. The bottom line is that I sent you to him..." He smiled softly, with a nearly crazy smile overflowing from the corners of his eyes.

Qian Miao's heart was filled with uneasiness, and she looked at him with an unsteady voice: "Why did Feng Wei hurt him because of you? Why did you send someone to chase me? And why did I go to the Feng family because of you?"

Bai Mucheng stared at her affectionately, didn't answer, just said: "Eleven, I like you, I want to marry you, I don't want to give you to him, and I can't give you to him, otherwise, I will go completely crazy."

"Brother, don't let me down." She took two steps back.


(Good night.)

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