His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1389 Aunt was forced to death by them

Chapter 1389

He slowly said: "I've been investigating the cause of my aunt's death. Not long ago, I found out about Bai Mucheng's secret. I didn't want to make you sad, so I kept it secret. Did he tell you everything now?"

Qian Miao lowered her eyes and nodded.

Feng Xian comforted her: "Don't think about it so much, everyone has their own position, he has the right to choose, and so do you."

She knows this very well, so she has made a choice.

He took a route that ran counter to Bai Mucheng's.

It's just that from now on, she may never have a senior brother who disciplines her strictly.

Feng Xian wiped away the slight tears from the corners of her eyes, and comforted softly: "It's okay, it's okay, you still have me, don't cry, huh?"

The man's soft voice of comfort turned into a tearjerker instead.

She never cried easily, but today she couldn't help it no matter what.

Wucheng in December was already covered with snow, freezing people.

That day, she stood at the gate of Bai's house for a long time, the cold wind blew across her face, as if several bloody cuts had been made in her heart.


On the same day, when the two returned to the capital, Feng Xian was called by the old man.

As soon as he entered the secret room, a book flew towards Feng Xian's face and hit him hard on the face.

He didn't avoid it.

In front of him was the old man standing with his hands behind his back, with a murderous look all over his body.

"Grandpa, you are looking for me." He took the initiative to speak out.

"You still have the face to call me grandpa!" the old man said harshly.

A pair of angry eyes stared at Feng Xian, and asked: "Where do you have the courage to resist the alliance?! Where are you going to seal us off? You want to quit the alliance, have you asked my opinion? I'm not dead yet! I'm still in charge of the Feng family!"

Feng Xian's expression did not change: "I am withdrawing from the alliance in my own name, not the Feng family. Grandpa, you can find another successor to the Feng family."

"Bastard! Are you going to give up your career for a woman?!"

He was so angry that he never thought that the child he had raised for many years would be so stupid and trapped by love!

"Look at Bai Mucheng, how clear the distinction is! Doesn't he have his own emotional pursuit? He does! But he can tell the importance! Now that the alliance has all fallen to the Bai family, it's all over now, are you satisfied? !"

The old man was out of breath and trembling with anger.

The room suddenly fell silent, save for the sound of his breathing.

"Auntie was forced to death by them." Feng Xian said suddenly.

The look in the old man's eyes changed, and his face was slowly covered with shock: "What?"

"My aunt died suddenly because of a strong stimulus, which led to a sudden exacerbation of the disease, and the doctor and nurse on duty happened to be away, and the best time for rescue was missed. I have made a clear investigation. The night before the incident, they went to I went to my aunt and forced her to join the research team, but when my aunt refused, they stimulated my aunt's emotions, dismissed all the doctors, and watched my aunt die."

Feng Xian paused every word, heavy and sensual, and touched the softest part of the old man's heart.

He fell backward suddenly, his round eyes widened.

"This... these bastards..."

"Grandpa, the alliance has already been torn apart. They all have their own plans, and you have been excluded. Don't talk about other things, just talk about the new human plan, do you know?"

The old man's eyes sank: "What happened to that thing?!"

Feng Xian said bluntly: "I don't know how much they let you know, but as far as I know, this New Humanity Project is not as holy as it appears on the surface. On the surface, it is a medical research project established to solve human brain tonic diseases , but in fact, it has been researching and developing how to modify human genes for these years, and at present, its influence has erupted in some places, causing turmoil."

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