His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1394 I love you too

Chapter 1394

Since ancient times, the economy has been the strongest pillar. There is an old saying that money can turn ghosts, which is enough to show the power of money.

She rested her head on Feng Xian, holding the iPad in her hand, scrolling through the turbulent news group pictures.

At present, in the news, this gust of wind has been suppressed.

The resistance of those experimental subjects failed again.

She thought of Wei Wu, but she didn't know what happened to her over there.

At dinner today, when she mentioned that other people were released, everyone's name was mentioned, except Wei Wu.

At that moment, she saw the depression in Feng Can's eyes.

"What are you thinking?" Feng Xian put down the book and turned to look at her.

She came back to her senses and said, "Oh, I was thinking, if they failed to frame me this time, they must not be reconciled. I don't know if there will be any more insidious tricks waiting for me."

"After all..." She looked at Feng Xian and said with a smile: "I also took away the outstanding masterpiece they cultivated for many years, they will be annoyed."

Feng Xian laughed softly: "Hearing you say that, I feel flattered, thank you madam for the compliment."

Qian Miao's face became slightly hot, and the word "Madam" came out of his mouth, it was so hot.

In an instant, she suddenly felt that no matter what happened in the future, she would not be afraid anymore. The big deal was that the soldiers would come to cover her up.

"I'll tell you something," she said.

Feng Xian listened attentively.

She whispered a few words close to his ear, which made his face change in surprise.

Suddenly smiled: "You...are that follower?"

She frowned: "What follower? I was protecting you."

"Well, protect me. It made me lose my concentration and I was almost shot. This is called protecting me." He nodded, but said ironically.

His memory went back to the devil training camp that year. There was a "traitor" young general who always followed behind him silently, occasionally fighting a few mobs for him, but most of the time, he was the one who cleared obstacles for her.

At that time, he thought she was also part of the training, so he didn't care.

After many years, when I suddenly heard the news from her mouth, I couldn't express the ecstasy in my heart.

So affectionate, he bowed his head and kissed her.

"It turns out that God gave me hints when I was a child."


"It implies that you are mine, and there is no way to escape."

The lingering words of love rang softly in his ears, just like his kiss, lingering and moving.

After the kiss was over, she fell into a light sleep in his arms, but her feet didn't feel sleepy, so she wrote on the soles of his feet playfully, letting him guess.

With her eyes closed, the corners of her mouth curled up, and she guessed her words: "Feng Xian, yes, I, have seen, the most..."

Suddenly, the soles of her feet itch, and she speeds up.

His earlobe was touched by her, and his attention was also distracted. He raised his eyes and smiled and asked, "The last few words, what are they?"

"You guessed it, you guessed it right, I'll get up early tomorrow and make breakfast for you."

He made a pose and thought for a while, then said, "The cutest person."


"The most attractive person."

"It must be a compliment to you?"

He was silent, and said: "The most stinky person."

"Still wrong."

"Madam, surrender for your husband."

She wrote it again.

Feng Xian understood, smiled charmingly, and couldn't help writing a few words on the bottom of her feet.

She read the words softly: "I, love, you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed her: "I love you too."


He fell in love with a girl, but when did he start, he himself was not sure, he only knew that when he was recuperating in Sheng'an Temple that year, a girl with a beautiful voice and a strange spirit broke into his life, It is a lifetime.

He didn't know what it was back then, but he would often think of that voice, that laughter, and that night when she huddled in his arms and asked for help.

These things make him not interested in all blind dates, because during blind dates, he will unconsciously think of that voice, and when he returns to reality, he can't help but compare the blind date with her, which makes him even less interested.

Later, one day, she walked into Victoria's restaurant and threw herself into his arms under the eyes of many people.

He was moved.

(Please refer to the second chapter of this article for details~)

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