His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1396 Pursuing excitement?

Chapter 1396

When Lu Wanyu heard it, she felt something was wrong, so she turned off the volume of the computer.

The woman smiled and said, "It's ugly to talk about fishing, but I'm just chasing."

The man smiled amusedly, looked at the woman with three-point contempt and seven-point watching a show, and said, "You can change boyfriends faster than I can flip through books."

The woman showed him Cang Zeyue's photo, and said quietly: "This one is different, he is not just a lawyer, I have investigated everything, he is the prince of the Cang Group, and his worth is immeasurable, if he can climb up to him , You don’t have to worry about the prosperity and wealth in your life in the future.”

The man spat out all the instant noodles in his mouth, surprised: "Really? Didn't he just open a law firm?"

"The rich keep a low profile, and only the upstarts show off everywhere. What do you know? Besides, he's not just a lawyer and rich second generation, but also a super famous racing driver. You should watch the news more."

After the man digested the words, he smiled again: "Then what are you going to do? This kind of man is hard to catch, right? They are not stupid, and there must be no shortage of women around them."

Hearing this, Lu Wanyu raised her eyebrows.

Only the woman continued: "I already have an idea. He took a case some time ago, and he won the case. The client is my cousin. I want to get close to him through this relationship, but I need to do something. Assistant, no, I'm here to find you."

The man had a "fresh" expression on his face: "You don't always call me a waste, what can I do for you?"

"Stop rambling, didn't you say last time that you got something good from those buddies? The kind that you can't stop eating."

She lowered her voice and winked at the man.

Lu Wanyu suppressed her surprise, and instead of turning her head to look over, she straightened her ears to listen.

She didn't hear clearly at the back, and after a while, she saw the woman take out several large bills from the bag and press them on the table, and then took a small bag of things from the man, which seemed to be ground for children in a pharmacy. The packaging paper used for the powder.

Not long after, the woman left there with a smile, her face full of anticipation.

Lu Wanyu suddenly couldn't continue playing the game.

She secretly took a photo of the woman, thought about it, and planned to report to Cang Zeyue.

When I was able to edit the information, I suddenly thought, what if the man is willing?

This kind of low-level method may have been used by women on him before.

My mind is a little messed up.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, she chased out.

She ran out of the Internet cafe and searched for a while, just in time to see the woman get into a taxi, barked but did not stop, so she also stopped a car to catch up.

The car finally stopped at the entrance of Xincheng Bar.

She paid to get out of the car and hid behind a power pole to watch.

Coincidentally, several people came out of the bar, and one of them was Cang Zeyue.

The woman hurried up, but didn't say hello, she just deliberately passed in front of Cang Zeyue, and then pretended to fall.

Ouch, cute.

Lu Wanyu frowned and closed her eyes, her eyes felt a little hot, and she felt embarrassed all over.

This method is also too old.

She couldn't bear to watch it any longer, but she still bent over and stuck her head out to look.

Several men looked at the woman who fell to the ground, but no one helped her.

The woman reacted quickly, stood up by herself, grabbed Cang Zeyue's arm, smiled, and began to make love.

The voice was too low, Lu Wanyu couldn't hear it clearly, so she stretched her head forward on a conditioned reflex, and suddenly found Cang Zeyue walking towards this side, and the woman followed suit.

Lu Wanyu wanted to find a place to hide at this moment, so she hurriedly turned around and carried her back.

I meditated in my heart: I can't see her, I can't see her.


"If you want to watch it, you can watch it openly. What are you doing peeking at, seeking excitement?"


(Good night)

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