His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1426 This is Strength

Chapter 1426

Qian Miao glanced at her appearance, remembering her indifferent and heartless appearance at the gate of Yihe Mansion yesterday, she was really a different person from now.

She lightly shook it, and walked over her to Cang Ting.

The moment they passed by, Cang Lan's face turned cold, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

Cang Ting smiled kindly, pointed to the seat beside him, and said, "Sit down."

The smile was so kind and kind that it shocked almost everyone.

Among them, Cang Zeyue was not included.

Yes, he has long been used to it.

Two years ago, Cang Ting showed this kind of smile when he saw Tang Qianmiao. It was a proud smile, which rarely appeared on his face.

In fact, long before Qian Miao's background became clear, Cang Ting had paid attention to this girl and admired her very much.

That's why I was so happy after knowing this.

When other people saw Cang Ting laughing like this, they all knew how great Tang Qianmiao's chances of winning were.

Cang Ting never smiled at any of them, never!

Now he is so kind to his daughter who suddenly appeared, which shows how much he loves him.

After Qian Miao took her seat, Cang Ting announced the start of the meeting.

The process is also very simple, that is, the three candidates for the election introduce themselves and solicit votes for themselves.

Cang Haotian was the first one to come up. Although he had been in office for several years, he seemed mediocre because he didn't have any outstanding achievements, and it ended within a few minutes.

Next, it was Cang Lan.

She stood up slowly, her previous self-confidence was now crumbling.

Tang Qianmiao's appearance completely disrupted her state of mind, and now her emotions have not stabilized.

Everyone speaks with grades.

She listed her achievements in the business field over the years, including her work before entering Cang's.

One of them was Ming Huang's department manager.

After returning to the Cang family, Cang Kun ran a large supermarket for her. The business of that supermarket was not very good. Since she took over, the sales volume has been booming, and it was brought back to life. That time was also the time when she attracted the attention of the elders of the family.

Afterwards, she was promoted step by step, and she made small achievements along the way. Compared with Cang Haotian, she was an overwhelming victory.

"I hope all uncles will give me a chance. For Cang's sake, I promise that if I need it, I will not marry for life. If my marriage is the price, I can sacrifice my life at any time, just for Cang's. Can get better and better!"

She faced the crowd with a smile and won a round of applause.

This promise was yet another surprising little surprise.

Many people can't help but compare the two women, one is willing to sacrifice his marriage, and the other is the unmarried daughter-in-law of the Feng family.

With this comparison, the choice in some people's minds is obvious.

Seeing so many people applauding for her, Cang Lan regained most of her confidence, walked back to her seat with her head held high and sat down.

"Miss Tang... Oh no, Miss Cang, let us listen to your introduction now." Cang Kun said.

Qian Miao calmly stood up and walked towards the podium.

Cang Lan subconsciously tightened her fingers, looked at her, feeling uneasy.

She had been waiting for more than half a year for this day, Tang Qianmiao really shouldn't have appeared at this time!

This type of campaign is to show what you have to convince others. Qian Miao said few words, but her words were powerful.

Taking Minghuang as an example, she briefly explained the process of starting this company.

Just in the middle of her speech, someone interrupted her.

"You mean, you started this company?"


(It will be updated at the same time tomorrow night, probably a few minutes later than usual, good night)

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