His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1429 revenge for her infidelity

Chapter 1429

In a quiet European-style small villa, a soothing and beautiful violin solo melody slowly flowed out, and after a while, the sound of the violin stopped abruptly.

On the first floor, facing the window, the white curtains fluttered with the wind, and the sunlight falling on the piano keys was faint.

Tang Yi put the violin on the piano, stroked the black and white keys, and let out a soft sigh.

On the piano, several photo frames were placed. In a certain photo, a woman was dressed in a horse riding outfit, smiling slightly at the camera, with a moving aura. In another photo, she put on a gentle knitted gown and sat among the fiery red maple leaves on the ground, holding a big maple leaf to cover one eye with her fingers, her smile was full of stars, bright and moving.

Tang Yi's eyes were moist, and a very shallow call came from his ear.

Many years ago, they liked to play the piano and sing here, but now, this piano has not made a sound for many years.

Because the person who is qualified to play it is gone.

Many things have changed, his appearance is no longer as handsome and handsome as before, his cheeks are enlarged, fine lines appear at the corners of his eyes, and his skin becomes loose, but she is still the same as he remembered.

"She is still alive, you must have known it a long time ago, so even if that happened back then, you didn't come out to see it, do you know how long I waited for you that day?"

After the attack two years ago, he rushed to the scene, but Qian Miao was nowhere to be seen, and what happened afterwards was all heard.

He waited and waited where she might appear, but he couldn't wait for her after all.

"You must be blaming me for betraying you, I know it is, you are so hot-tempered, you definitely won't allow me to betray you..."

"You also blame me for treating your daughter badly and treating her harshly, right? I know, you must be angry, and you are so angry that you don't hesitate to feign death to avoid me."

He doesn't deny the sins he committed in the past, and even did it on purpose now, just to vent his anger.

No matter what the process is, the woman he loves is finally pregnant with someone else's child. Every time he thinks of this, he almost goes crazy.

The timing of Yun Ruyi's appearance was just right, and he went crazy and wanted to take revenge.

revenge for her infidelity.

But he forgot that he was not the winner of this revenge.

Numerous quarrels broke their relationship, and the originally complete and beautiful family was also torn apart.

Later, he regretted a little, and even wanted to find her shadow in Yun Ruyi.

He even thought about accepting Tang Qianmiao like Lin Wenyu.

But he couldn't, absolutely couldn't.

He lost all his sanity when he thought that there was another man besides him who had galloped over her in this world.

He hates them.

"I want to make Cang Ting lose everything, and you will definitely agree, right?"

He stroked the woman in the photo album with gentle eyes.

Only when facing the photo, they will not quarrel.

On this day, he left here earlier than before, and after only staying for half a day, he hurried back.

He asked someone to contact Cang Lan to convey his meaning, and he would help him to take down the Cang family.

When Cang Lan received this message, she was extremely distressed. Now, this can be regarded as making her feel a little better.

At the shareholders' meeting, the three shareholders who had originally agreed to stand on her side turned to Tang Qianmiao one after another, which led to the result of a draw.

At this moment, Wang Chuan silently recorded her expression beside her.

"Miss Lan, everything today must be drawn exactly?"

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