His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1436 Fighting

Chapter 1436

She remembered the illness he said.

There are two of him.

If this matter is true, then the person who appeared just now, could it not be her senior brother?

He said before that the reason why he left in those years was because he wanted to suppress the him in his body, so he deliberately avoided her. Will it be the same this time?

A fierce quarrel came suddenly, interrupting her thoughts, and Lu Wanyu's voice was also mixed in.

She walked over there quickly.

A group of people gathered around the door of the women's bathroom to watch the excitement. When she approached quickly, several people "automatically" moved to the sides, making way for her to walk in.

As soon as she appeared, many people recognized her immediately.

"Ah, it's Tang Qianmiao!"

"It's really her! She is more beautiful in person! I want to take a photo together, help me take a picture!"

"As expected of an empress, she is quiet and outstanding, and she is very aura just standing there!"

Because of her appearance, the focus of this conflict was immediately shifted, and the central figures in the dispute also stopped fighting.

Lu Wanyu and a short-haired woman let go of each other's hair, stood aside panting, and stared at each other.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Wanyu gritted her teeth and said, "These four women are nothing short of scumbags, I just went to the bathroom, and when I came out, I saw them bullying Wei Wu and calling her... mentally retarded, I couldn't be more angry, beat them up."

The short-haired girl sneered: "She is mentally retarded, no one in Wucheng knows that!"

"That's right, just now we were curious if she was as stupid as the rumors said, so we teased her a few times, touched her twice, what's wrong? She still arrests people every day, didn't we just slap her twice? ? A mental illness is not an exaggeration to kill, and the province will endanger the society."

"Oh my god, don't you want to bully the weak? Come and see, Tang Qianmiao bullied the common people! It's unreasonable!"

The four women chirped one by one, their eyes were full of arrogance and banditry.

Lu Wanyu was so angry that she rolled up her sleeves and spoke directly with her fists.

Qian Miao reached out to block her, glanced at Wei Wu who had been quietly bowing her head beside her, and said to her, "Take care of Wei Wu."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the four female bullies.

A blue-haired woman was still taking pictures of her with her mobile phone, and said while taking pictures: "Everyone, look at this, this is the famous Tang Qianmiao. We sisters are eating in the restaurant. She deliberately finds fault and connives at her friends. , everyone judge and judge."

As soon as the voice fell, there was only a rattling sound, and everyone was puzzled. The next second, the mobile phone suddenly and slowly disintegrated under Qian Miao's gaze, turning into pieces and falling down.

"Ah... what... what!" The blue-haired girl took a step back in horror.

"What kind of phone are you, you can break it by yourself!"

"I, I don't know..."

The blue-haired girl was speechless for a moment.

The short-haired girl looked irritated, pulled the blue-haired girl away and faced Qian Miao, and said: "We don't want to pursue this matter, so let's be private, we have suffered great trauma to our hearts and bodies, you must compensate us !"

"Yes, we must be paid for mental damage!"

"I'll give it to Nima!" Lu Wanyu scolded angrily, unable to hold back her anger, and wanted to step forward again.

Even after becoming a mother, her temper is still fierce and explosive.

"If you want to pay for mental damage, that's fine, then we have to do the math first, and if it's clear, we should be responsible, and I will be responsible to the end."

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