His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1438 miss him

Chapter 1438

At the same time, the three of Qian Miao arrived at her home in Wucheng and just opened the door to enter.

Wei Wu has always been very quiet, not noisy, just silently wanting to go to Yihe Building.

Qian Miao kept holding her hand to stabilize her.

After entering, Lu Wanyu took her to wash her hands and face, and tried to tell her various words that could awaken her memory.

Now she is not so much amnesia, but more like a puppet whose soul has been taken away, her eyes are dull and lifeless, and she only speaks a word occasionally.

This is the sequelae of those drug injections, and she wants to take her back to the capital for treatment.

It's been a long time since I came here. The last time I came, she and Wei Wu came here to participate in the chemistry competition. After all, it was almost four years ago.

But here it is spotless, showing that someone regularly maintains it.

This kind of matter has always been managed by Bai Mucheng for her.

When she thought of Bai Mucheng, her mind was like a mess of threads, getting more and more chaotic.

The phone rings.

She glanced, it was Cang Zeyue.

"Tang Qianqian, is my wife with you?"

"Your wife, who can I ask?" The corners of her eyes raised.

"Don't make trouble with brother, I've seen the news, did she fight again? How is it? Did you get hurt? Huh?"

"You have to ask her yourself."

"I want to ask, she won't answer my phone, I'm going out now, you give me an address."

Qian Miao didn't say it directly, but just looked at the night scene outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and said, "The Pearl Tower is so close, it's so beautiful."

Then hung up the phone.

Cang Zeyue at the other end immediately understood what this meant, and quickly called Feng Xian.

"Ah Xian, where exactly is your wife's house in the Pearl Tower?"

The camera turns back to Qian Miao.

She had just ordered a takeaway of freshly cut fruit when another call came to her.

This time, it was Feng Can.

After pressing connect, she directly reported the address here.

"I plan to take her back to the capital, you can wait."

Feng Can's voice was heavy: "I can't wait for a second!"

A beep followed.

Qian Miao looked at the two people in the bathroom, and suddenly missed her man in her heart.

She sent Feng Xian a message.

There is only one heart.

The other party sent her a video.

After connecting, she saw the wall behind him.

"Still in the company?"

"There's still something to deal with." He zoomed out a bit.

Qian Miao moved closer to the camera, propped her chin and looked at him, her smile softened unconsciously.

"Did you not eat?"


Feng Xian bar zoomed out, and brought a meal from the side.

"It was just delivered, and I'm planning to eat it."

"Then you eat, don't worry about me."

She almost unconsciously stuck in front of the camera, her eyes were full of love, but she was not staring at the food, but at him.

Feng Xian touched the screen, and his voice subconsciously softened: "Take a good rest tonight, and have fun with them tomorrow, and I'll come to you the day after tomorrow after I finish handling the company's affairs."

"Yeah." She nodded her chin.

"Eat this, this looks delicious." She pointed at a plate of fat and thin braised pork.

Feng Xian acted as her food broadcaster, explaining the taste while eating.

She watched it with gusto, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, and her fingers occasionally scratched the screen.

Lu Wanyu had already led Wei Wu to the room, so as not to disturb the warm time between the two.

After laying on the bed, she took out her mobile phone and looked at it. The mobile phone indicated that five calls had just been intercepted, all from Cang Zeyue.

She curled her lips, didn't care, and quickly connected to Qiao Shiwan, planning to talk to her precious daughter.

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