His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1441 Extramarital Affair

Chapter 1441

Seeing that there was no sign of him lying, Qian Miao didn't ask any more questions and planned to go in and have a look.

A pass was required to enter the building, but the people on duty saw her and let her go.

Now everyone in the company knows that she is Cang Ting's daughter, so in addition to the pet name of "Queen", there is also a good name of "Princess".

She didn't know about it, and didn't care, and quickly took the elevator up.

Afraid of disturbing others and causing unnecessary criticism, she only arranged for two people to search in layers, and she also searched from top to bottom.

The top floor is quiet, which is relative to ordinary people.

For Qian Miao, who has now taken off his hearing aid, voices are everywhere.

There was no aura of Wei Wu on this floor, she walked towards the elevator.

"Don't touch me, I'm not in the mood today."

An angry female voice came suddenly, very familiar.

She remembered Cang Lan's face.

The sound came from a room on the top floor, and there was no one else in the corridor.

"My baby, how many days have I not touched you? Do the math yourself?"

Cang Lan sneered: "Baby? Am I your baby? Don't bark."

"Aren't you, who else is it? The person I love most, Tong Xu, is you. Let me hug you."

"Go away." The disgust in Cang Lan's words was revealed, "You have become more and more reckless these days, and you dare to mess around in the company. If your wife finds out, I can't control that much."

"Hey, she doesn't know, she's busy teasing the kids at home, she only has kids in her heart, she doesn't have time to care about me."

Cang Lan sneered coldly: "I don't care about you, I'm not something you can play with at will, we each get what we need and don't interfere with each other's life, you have to remember that."

"Hey, remember, I've been holding back for a few days, let's... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,hhhhhhh?"

Then, there were several kissing sounds, which suddenly stopped again.

"I'm not in the mood today, you should go back first." Cang Lan seemed to walk away a few steps.

"Why, is it because of that Tang Qianmiao?"

Cang Lan remained silent.

"My darling, don't pay attention to her. Her background is so complicated, and it also involves the Tang family. More importantly, Tang Yi still supports you. Do you think she can win?"

"You can't talk too much, you don't know her well, she has created too many surprises."

"Hey, I'm really surprised to hear this from your mouth, but, in my opinion, she Tang Qianmiao is not as good as you, this Cang family will be yours sooner or later, hehe, let me tell you good news, then Two hotels have come down, one has died, and the other is facing bankruptcy purely because of poor management. With a little management, it will be able to improve. The chairman has already handed over this matter to me. How about giving her that murderous shop and the remaining one for you?"

Now, Cang Lan's voice became joyful: "It's more or less the same."

"Okay, don't be emotional, it's late at night, come on."

What follows is full of obscenities, it doesn't matter if you don't listen.

Qian Miao pressed the elevator and went down.

She only recently found out about Tong Xu.

That day when Cang Ting returned to Cang's house, he briefly explained the company's situation to her, including the important leaders.

Tong Xu is the son of an elder shareholder, over forty years old, and one of the vice presidents of the company.

This person has good abilities, but he didn't expect him to look like this in private.

Cang Lan could be his daughter now.

However, if this kind of thing is not your will, you can't last that long, Cang Lan also has intentions.

In order to stabilize his position, he really did everything he could.

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