His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1450 Comparing Two Hotels

Chapter 1450

After ten o'clock, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

In the single-family villa next door, Qian Miao habitually walked to her room on the first floor after drinking the water.

After opening the door, seeing that everything was empty, I realized that I had a husband, so I turned back and went up to the second floor.

It happened that Feng Xian came out of the study, holding a newly printed document in his hand.

"Look at what you want."

Qian Miao took it over and saw a few words printed on the warm paper: Das Hotel.

"Huh? Are you all set?"

"A matter of minutes."

After taking a look, she complained: "No wonder it's going to close down, what's wrong with taking one, take one and kill it?"

"The original owner of the hotel was Triedas, and it was named after him."

After finishing the words, he took advantage of the opportunity to kiss her and said, "I'm going to take a bath, take your time."

Qian Miao nodded, and walked into the bedroom while looking at the information.

A thick piece of information, including the information of the two hotels, was all mentioned by her to Feng Xian today. Originally, she wanted to take the time to search for information by herself after she came back, but he did it for her.

This Das Hotel is the murderous hotel that Tong Xu said. There was a murder case. It was said in the news that a husband deliberately set up a trap in the hotel in order to cheat insurance, killed his wife, and then planted it on the hotel. He was found out, and the hotel was also cleared.

But even so, the loss of the hotel cannot be made up for. Since then, the performance of the hotel has been declining all the way. In just three months, it has been reduced from the first brother of the hotel in that area to the one that everyone has heard of. "Haunted house".

In fact, there were no weird incidents there, but most people are very taboo about this kind of thing, and the colleagues took the opportunity to talk about this incident, which caused a great negative impact on it. Soon, the hotel was out of business .

The scale of the hotel is very large, and the fixed cost of maintaining the operation is also very large. After a month of living beyond the means, the owner of the hotel was defeated and quickly changed hands of the hotel.

The other is the Laixi Hotel on the same street as it. The two hotels are of the same size and level, but in the past, Das's performance can crush Laixi every minute.

Laixi's downfall was not sudden, but because of poor management at the source. The business was not good a few years ago, and it could only rely on some high-consumption cooperation with the film and television industry to support the business. This year, it finally couldn't sustain it , so had to change hands.

Qian Miao looked at the specific locations of the two.

Although the two are on the same street, the location of Das is indeed better than that of Laixi. It is close to a large commercial center, the transportation is convenient, the parking lot is large enough, etc., and it is several times better than Laixi at the west end of the street.

After reading all the materials, her cell phone just vibrated.

The day before yesterday, Cang Ting had pulled her into Cang's internal senior management group.

And now, Tong Xu, one of the vice presidents, is in the group chatting with her and Cang Lan, informing them of the selection of the hotel tomorrow.

She remembered the secret meeting between the two that night.

This so-called lottery is just a formality. It is estimated that no matter how she draws, she will eventually draw Das Hotel.

It's not difficult to stop this little conspiracy.

But she didn't.

After analysis, she prefers Das Hotel.

As for the little trick of the two of them, she plans to save it for future use.

Throwing it now is not strong enough.

Cang Kun is bound to win the position of president, even if this matter breaks out, he will try his best to protect Cang Lan.

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