His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1469 Both of them have problems

Chapter 1469

"Exactly! What is Tang Qianmiao, without her husband's support, she is nothing!"

"Miss Lan is different, she is simply a strong woman, and the Cang family should be in your charge!"

The flattery was getting louder and louder.

Cang Lan looked indifferent, and said slowly: "Whether I can take care of it depends on your help. The hotel will officially reopen tomorrow. I want you to do your best to let everyone around you know about it. And, to attract customers from surrounding hotels.”

Her consideration is very simple, since these people are the leaders of this area, no one is more familiar with the relationship here than them, and using them is much easier than letting the people under her do it.

Moreover, everyone around them is afraid of them, so asking them to solicit customers is also a way to get twice the result with half the effort.

The female boss laughed: "Of course it's no problem. We have to take care of this area. If anyone is disobedient, it's tantamount to wanting to live an uneasy life."

She smiled very proudly.

But Cang Lan said: "Please pay attention to me, don't let others know that I hired you, and don't cause any adverse effects on the hotel's reputation, otherwise, the subsequent cooperation will be automatically invalidated. On this basis, I will do whatever you want in spite of."

The female boss snorted coldly, thinking that this wishful thinking was really well done.

However, the business needs to be calculated in this way, and she agreed immediately: "It's natural, we will do everything comprehensively, and we will definitely not let you down."

"Don't worry, if something goes wrong, we will say that Das Hotel asked us to do it."

Hearing the satisfactory answer, Cang Lan smiled: "Thanks for your hard work."


Inside the Das Hotel.

Qian Miao answered a phone call temporarily, it was from Wei Wu's side.

After Wei Wu was sent to the hospital, she sent people to take care of her, and those people reported the situation to her every day.

The past two days have been fine and stable.

What is worrying is that Feng Can has been taking care of him all the time, and he has offended many elders in the family for this.

They were naturally on the old man's side, seeing that Feng Can was still reluctant to part with Wei Wu, they all blamed them.

Feng Xian told her not to worry, he will handle it.

But she couldn't rest assured, she really couldn't let go.

As soon as I sat down, I was still thinking about this matter.

Wei Wu is too strange, and this accident also happened very suddenly.

The whole thing seems to have been premeditated.

"Boss, what are you thinking about?" Hei Ji came over with a bottle of water, saw her lost in thought, and asked.

Qian Miao expressed her doubts.

The black chicken touched his lips and thought: "Then you still think the old man is pretending?"

Qian Miao took a sip of water and shook her head lightly: "Half and half, I need evidence."

"Hey, it's very suspicious that the old housekeeper won't let you into the ward. Why did you say he stopped you? You didn't make the old man into a vegetable."

Qian Miao thought deeply: "This matter is not that simple, Wei Wu has problems, and the old man also has problems."

"Then how about I send someone to check on the old man?"

"No." She looked at him and said, "Go and check Wei Wu, check the scope of her activities before she came back, and check... Is there any contact between my senior brother and her? As for the old man, My husband will check."

Hei Ji was fascinated by the sound and nodded, when suddenly he heard the word "husband", he immediately pursed his lips and suppressed a smile, Nou Yu: "Boss...it's strange...it's strange for you to call him that suddenly."

Qian Miao looked at him as a shy little daughter-in-law, and said indifferently, "Why does it look more like you called him?"

Heiji: "Hey, I'm not that one."

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