His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1472 Mr. has many things to think about for Ms.

Chapter 1472

After Qian Miao heard this, her eyes trembled slightly, and the feeling in her heart was indescribable.

At this time, she also came to the gate of Taoyuan.

In the air, there is a faint fragrance of peach blossoms. When you look up, you can see that the peach blossoms in the garden are blooming layer by layer, and many of them stick out of the wall. It can be said that the garden is full of spring, full of spring.

The entrance is full of falling flowers, and the peach blossoms all over the ground extend all the way to an invisible end, forming a red carpet of flowers.

Two playful sparrows landed on the peach tree and sang, adding a lot of fun to this spring.

Mr. Housekeeper said: "The garden has four entrances, east, west, north, south, which can lead to any other courtyard in the house. The south gate is the shortest way to Miss's small courtyard. Miss, would you like to take a look?"

Qian Miao heard the words, glanced to the side, and then saw the words written on the sign: East Gate.

"He set up my small courtyard?"

"It's natural, sir, no matter what the young lady decides, he is still a father, and he should do his duty as a father. The small courtyard is just a trivial matter, and there are many things that the gentleman considers for the young lady. I can't finish it yet."

His eyes showed love for Qian Miao.

Qian Miao stepped into the garden and walked along the winding path all the way to see the small pavilions, vine swings, and many trinkets and ornaments.

It can be said that the girl's heart is full, no matter which girl comes, she can't move.

Mr. Steward continued: "After the garden was built, no one has been allowed to enter you except the nurse gardener. Today, it is finally waiting for its owner."

Qian Miao walked into the pavilion and saw the Guzheng set up on the table.

"Oh, this is a violin specially commissioned by Mr. He knew that Miss is versatile, and he must also have this talent, so he matched this violin for Miss to use when admiring flowers. It has been here for two years, and Mr. People move away."

Qian Miao's fingers brushed against the strings, plucked them a few times, and several clever melodies jumped out.

It is a good piano.

"Sir, I've been free for the past two days. I went fishing with some friends this morning and came back with a lot of fish. I'm busy in the kitchen at this time. This is the first time in the world. Today, we are all scared." The housekeeper The gentleman laughed again, "Mister's love for Miss is to the extreme, even Young Master Zeyue has never enjoyed such treatment."

The corners of Qian Miao's lips curled up slightly, with a gentle expression on his face, he asked casually, "He can do it?"

"To be honest, no." The butler shook his head and smiled again: "But my master's learning ability is very strong. He can learn everything after reading it once. He has been like this since he was a child, riding horses, archery, hey, even that He knows how to hunt, and speaking of this, it’s not that he hasn’t cooked before, he roasted the pheasant he got hunting when he was a child, and it tastes good.”

Qian Miao nodded, her gaze slowly swept across the scenery in the garden, feeling at ease.

"I think Miss is better than blue. I have read all the news about Miss. You are better than Mr. It is really amazing. When Mr. was your age, you hadn't achieved such great achievements. Mr. Chang Said, it is his honor to have you as a daughter in his life."

"Uncle has won the prize."

"Hey, don't call me uncle, just like Master Zeyue, just call me old man Gao, haha, kind."

Qian Miao smiled slightly, said without saying anything, "Let's go there."

"Hey, okay, I forgot the time as soon as I mentioned these things, sir must be waiting impatiently."

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