His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1474 Sorry for not participating in her growth

Chapter 1474

Cang Ting didn't respond, and just gave Qian Miao a chicken leg: "Eat more."

Afterwards, he also picked up a chicken leg for Lu Wanyu: "If you have time, bring Nuan Nuan back."

Xiaoyu nodded hurriedly: "Okay."

Cang Ting's calm and prestige can always make people willing to submit, but this is not reflected in Qian Miao.

Maybe it was because he deliberately restrained his edge, or maybe it was because her light overwhelmed him inadvertently.

It was a comforting meal.

After it was over, Cang Ting showed her a booklet.

"This is the dowry list. If you wish, I very much hope that I can appear as... father at your wedding."

Qian Miao took the booklet, and after reading it at a glance, he saw densely packed words, followed by the specific amount of money, which reached nine figures in total.

"I'm sorry about your mother's matter. Although I feel guilty, to be honest, after seeing you, I don't regret it." He showed an easy-going smile.

Qian Miao lowered her eyes and thought for a while, but didn't know how to respond for a moment.

The decisive ability she has always had has lost its effect at this moment.

"Can I consider it?"

Cang Ting smiled and nodded: "Of course, this is your right."

She closed the booklet, fell silent for a moment, and said, "Thank you for the Taoyuan matter."

"Do you still like it?" He looked kindly.

"Troubleshooting, I like it very much."

"That's good. It was a birthday present for you. I was worried that you wouldn't like it."

Qian Miao's warm voice: "The gift is with your heart, no matter what, Cang... I can feel your heart."

She pursed her lips lightly, still stuck on calling it.

Cang Ting didn't care, and could understand her mood very well, so he naturally had to leave this topic behind.

The two chatted for a while, and Cang Ting let her go to the courtyard with Lu Wanyu.

For him, being able to eat and talk so happily today is already very satisfying.

They sat on the terrace drinking coffee, watching them play downstairs, and they were very satisfied.

Mr. Butler said: "Sir, Miss seems to like your gift very much."

"As long as she is satisfied." The corners of his eyes raised.

"Who would be dissatisfied with such a great gift? Miss, if she knows that you bought her a small island to build a resort as her birthday present this year, she will be happier."

Cang Ting put away his smile slightly: "Don't say this beforehand, I'm worried that she will have a burden in her heart."

"Understood, but Miss will definitely understand your painstaking efforts, and she will accept it."

Cang Ting looked regretful: "Unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity to participate in her growth, I am not worthy to be her father after all."

"Sir, it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself too much. It's a strange thing. Fortunately, it's all over now. Miss's life will definitely get better and better in the future."

The light in Cang Ting's eyes gradually deepened, revealing a hint of worry.

He had already investigated Qian Miao's physical condition two years ago, and Feng Xian also said something.

He holds a lot of power in his hands, but he can't control this matter, he can only...resign himself to fate.

It was also two years ago that he, who had never believed in Buddhism, began to go to temples to worship Buddha frequently, which was also a helpless expression of helplessness.

"Sir, Miss took over the business of Das Hotel, should we help in secret?"

Cang Ting frowned: "This is insulting her."

"Yes, I was wrong."

Cang Ting looked at the slender figure and said with certainty: "Without my help, she will definitely win."


(When Cang's father was young, he was a standard decisive and cold male god~)

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