His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1477 Look down on her

Chapter 1477

"Even if it's not his own, isn't what he's done in the past two years just trying to win a daughter from Cang Ting? He just cares about face. No one knew about it before. Why does he have the name of a father? Now this His name has been taken away, look how nervous he is!"

She decided that in Tang Yi's heart, Tang Qianmiao was treated as a daughter, and it didn't matter whether she loved her or not, as long as he saw it that way.

"Anyway, if he doesn't compensate me, I won't cooperate if Tang Qianjiu has an operation." Lin Wenyu was stubborn.

Yun Ruyi was powerless: "It's up to you, I don't care."

On the other side, in a high-end teahouse.

Tang Yi walked into the teahouse with two attendants. He came to Wucheng this time to cooperate with Cang Lan.

Today, Cang Lan is the host and has been waiting for him for a long time.

Seeing him come in, Cang Lan got up and shook hands proactively: "President Tang, I have heard about you for a long time, and today I can finally see you in person."

Tang Yi smiled lightly, without expressing too much expression, his calm aura easily overwhelmed Cang Lan's aura.

"I heard that Mr. Tang wants to cooperate with me. I was really surprised and surprised. We are not in a hurry about the contract. May I ask, why do you want to help me?"

She tentatively asked.

Tang Yi gave his subordinate a look and asked him to hand over the contract.

"Let's see, there's no problem, just sign."

Cang Lan's smile froze.

This was rejected, and it really didn't give me any face.

It was fine to make her wait an hour for being late for an hour, but now it made her so embarrassed.

Cang Lan is also a person with a temper, but her biggest advantage is that she is good at restraint.

The scorching anger was slowly dissipated by the smile on the corners of the lips, and the aura in his body was also suppressed.

She picked up the contract and glanced at it, and said with a smile, "No problem, happy cooperation."

With a few swishes, she signed the contract.

This contract guarantees that Tang Yi will move part of the orders of Tang's hotels to this side in the next three months, ensuring that the daily profit of Laixi Hotel will surpass that of Das. And the price she has to pay is to give Tang Corporation the priority to cooperate in designated projects after taking over the position of president.

From Cang's point of view, it's a bit of a bully, but from her Cang Lan's point of view, this is the strongest help.

She can't care too much about the future, the important thing now is to win this seat first, otherwise everything else is just fantasy.

Tang Yi stayed for less than five minutes, and left after the contract was settled.

The moment he went downstairs, Cang Lan couldn't restrain her temper, and drank herself two glasses of wine to barely maintain her demeanor.

She knew very well that Tang Yi looked down on her, very much!

The reason he cooperated with her was to squeeze Cang's interests and further stimulate Cang Ting.

She is just a pawn in his revenge against Cang Ting.

"Old man, don't get complacent too early." She murmured, smiling coldly.


The next day, Das and Laixi, two hotels that had been closed for a long time, opened on the same day, which became the biggest news in the surrounding area.

The opening ceremonies of the two hotels were held at the same time, but they had different scenery.

Laixi Hotel invited many guests, and the onlookers even filled the square in front of the hotel, and there were performances, which were very lively.

The Das Hotel on the other side was extremely cold.

Today is another windy day, and the leaves on the trees are all blown off, and they are all blowing this way, making it even more desolate.

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