His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1483 It's time to make a choice

Chapter 1483

In these photos, many familiar faces appeared, all of whom he knew from Feng Xian two years ago.

One is Feng Wei whom he has known for a long time, that is, Feng Xian's biological aunt.

The others were her colleagues, including Lu Wanyu's teacher, Wei Wu's adoptive father, and other experimenters who had been missing for many years.

"Mr. Yue, according to my investigation, they may be working in the hospital disguised as hospital personnel, and then secretly conducting experiments related to BDR. The second basement may also be their base camp."

Cang Zeyue put down these photos, thought for a moment, then shook his head: "It's not that simple, the reason why Wei Wu stays here is still not found."

Qian Miao asked him to investigate this matter.

He also looked at the USB flash drive that Bai Mucheng sent to Qian Miao. The information showed that Wei Wu was kicked out after destroying a certain laboratory. Moreover, she broke into the conference room on purpose.

The meeting room has always been a place where information gathers and circulates. Maybe it was there that she heard about the Yihe Building that she stayed here.

But what role did Yihe Building play in this matter?

Is it just because the relevant experimenters have been here?

He stared at the pictures, lost in thought.

As an older brother, he also wanted to share his sister's worries. Now that things have not progressed, he is too embarrassed to report to her.

"President Feng went to see Bai Mucheng, how is it going?" He asked.

The assistant replied: "It is said that I didn't see it. The Bai family has now handed over almost all affairs to Bai Mucheng. He refused Mr. Feng's visit on the grounds that he was busy."

Cang Zeyue frowned slightly, leaned back, and fell into deep thought.

After a while, he put away those photos, threw them into a drawer and locked them, picked up his coat, and got up: "Go to Bai's house."

The assistant nodded, and said again: "Mr. Yue, if you come forward, you may have to face a choice. Haven't you been neutral for the past two years?"

There are grievances between the Feng family and the Bai family, and Feng Xian and Bai Mucheng also have grievances. Among them, one is for profit and the other is for love.

And Cang Zeyue, as the brothers of the two, is just as difficult as the Cang family is the friends of the two families.

For several generations, the members of the three families are close friends who gather together to chat and laugh during the holidays.

Cang Zeyue walked forward with steady steps, his voice was dull and steady: "It's time to make a choice."

As soon as the door opened, the girl outside took a step back in shock, dodging her eyes with some guilt.

The seriousness on Cang Zeyue's face became lighter: "Didn't you say to see Tang Qianqian?"

Lu Wanyu: "Go, I'll go now."

Saying that, she walked away three times and turned around.

Cang Zeyue looked at her back and couldn't help smiling, then walked quickly to the elevator to get down to business.

Lu Wanyu did not follow.

In fact, she didn't hear the conversation inside at all just now, the sound insulation is so good.

I was really curious about what made him suddenly become so serious, as if he was a different person.

It's not that she hasn't seen this side of him, and it can even be said that she was once fascinated by his smile because of this side of him.

Because, his appearance in court was as serious as before.

Three points of seriousness, seven points of rigor, blended together, just poked her inner handsomeness.

"Oh, Lu Wanyu, Lu Wanyu, you are just a foreigner." She muttered to herself.

Shaking her head, she didn't continue to recall, she packed her things and went to Qian Miao's side.

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