His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1501 Return Your Favor

After eating and returning to the hotel, the manager of the lobby came excitedly, his face full of joy.

"Mr. Qian, good news, we have a guest who has booked the presidential suite for three months! Now we have moved in!"

The department managers who followed Qian Miao all showed joy on their faces: "That's great!"

Qian Miao felt strange, so she asked a little more: "What's his name?"

"Yes, Mr. Shi Chengan."

Hearing this name, Qian Miao was silent for a while, then let the crowd disperse.

Heiji said: "Boss, what kind of medicine is sold in Shi Chengan's gourd? This Shi family has already joined the Tang family to form an alliance with the Bai family. That is to say, it is against us. Why did he come to support us?"

Qian Miao raised her eyebrows and stepped forward: "You ask me, who should I ask?"

Black Chicken laughed: "I guess, he will definitely come to you, you two are classmates."

Qian Miao didn't answer, and went straight into the elevator.

This time, Hei Ji guessed right. As soon as the two walked out of the elevator door, a message came from the front desk, saying that Shi Chengan wanted to see her.

The floor Qian Miao was on right now was the floor of the presidential suite, just so I went to knock on the door.

The person who opened the door was a beautiful woman in a swimsuit. The weather at the end of March was quite cold, but the temperature inside was constant, so it was considered comfortable.

The beauty opened the door and said delicately, "Please."

Inside, the voices of other women came at the same time.

Stepping in, I saw the man hugging left and right, and there was a beautiful woman feeding him fruit squatting in front of his knees.

Sure enough, I will enjoy it.

He was slightly different from the last time the two met. At that time, he looked like a very innocent boy. Now he has his head turned sideways, his eyes are dull and loose, and even a little greasy.

Just by seeing this scene, she can imagine what his life has been like in the past two years.

Shi Chengan looked over with smiling eyes, still eating fruit in his mouth, moved his jaw when he saw her, and said, "Sit, Miss Tang."

After saying that, he raised his eyebrows: "Look at my memory, I should call you Miss Cang, sorry, sorry."

He kept smiling, casually and falsely.

Qian Miao sat down in front of him, and asked casually: "It's been three months, what a big deal, your father didn't freeze your bank card?"

Shi Chengan took a bite of the cake that the beauty fed to his mouth, and he didn't care: "Don't worry about this, I have already paid the money, and it will not affect your business. A few years ago, you helped me testify in front of Chuchu, and I said I will return your favor later."

"Oh, this." She whispered, she had already forgotten about this matter.

"This is a little thought, accept it, treat it as... a gift to wish you victory." He placed a small box in front of Qian Miao.

The box is transparent and very pretty, especially for teenage girls.

Like the type that Feng Chuchu likes.

Inside was a necklace of seven stars ringing the moon, with a very gorgeous and bright sapphire inlaid on it.

The moment he put down the box, the eyes of the four beauties lit up, as if they were about to swallow it.

A beautiful woman couldn't help asking: "Mr. An, how much is this?"

"It's not worth much. It's only 5.2 million from the auction."

"Wow, what a beautiful number, really good!" Several beauties looked at Qian Miao enviously.

Shi Chengan asked her: "Try it on? I think it suits you."

There was a slanted smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked very casual and lazy, as if he didn't care about anything, and he seemed to care about everything.

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