His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1506 I hope our relationship can go further

Chapter 1506

In fact, she knew that what she did now was a little dazed, maybe because of her beauty, she just made a mistake that ordinary people would make.

"If we cooperate, this is far from enough." Cui Jinghuan responded.

Cang Lan lost her smile: "Is this not enough?"

Cui Jinghuan changed the number and showed her: "If it is this price, I can cooperate."

Cang Lan saw that this was actually a tenfold increase on the original basis!

"Impossible!" She immediately refused.

If she really paid this money, then she would be the one who couldn't get back her money!

Suddenly, a conspiracy theory popped into her head.

Could this be Tang Qianmiao's strategy again?

Create momentum first to make her nervous, let her do it behind the tail, and gradually jump into this big pit...

She just suffered a loss two days ago!

After thinking about it, she instantly woke up.

I was very happy in my heart, fortunately, Cui Jinghuan offered a sky-high price, otherwise, once the contract was signed, she would have fallen into Tang Qianmiao's arms!

"Mr. Cui, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope that we will have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future. Unfortunately, we can't meet your request this time. When we meet again next time, I hope our relationship can go further." She smiled. .

Cui Jinghuan didn't say anything, just smiled lightly.

Just at this moment, the phone rang, and he said to Cang Lan, "Sorry, I won't see you off."

Cang Lan nodded, got up and walked towards the door.

At this time, Cui Jinghuan's voice on the phone came from behind her.

"Is that so? I have to turn it down. Nothing is as important as music."

"Change the ticket, don't go there anymore."

"It's just a variety show, just to increase popularity. Music is the original intention and job. This is the most important thing."

Just a few words surprised Cang Lan a lot.

Choi Kyung-hyun can speak the language here!

Fortunately, she had been talking to him in English just now, and he obeyed her.

This is not the point, the point is that he seems to have turned down the variety show for the concert!

She was full of surprises!

Fortunately, I didn't sign the contract just now, otherwise I would lose a lot!

After opening the door, two assistants greeted him.

"Miss Lan, did he agree to come and record the show?"

"No need." Cang Lan's face brightened.

"No need? Here, didn't we come here just to pull him?"

Cang Lan gave him a slanted look, her eyes seemed to say: Use your brains.

"We were almost fooled by Tang Qianmiao, she did this on purpose!"


"She deliberately released the news to make us anxious, and then jumped into the hole she dug. If I really sign this contract with Cui Jinghuan today, then I will really lose!"

"Wow, that's amazing, I really didn't expect it to be like this!" the assistant said.

"This Tang Qianmiao has too many tricks. If it weren't for Ms. Lan, we would have been fooled."

"But Miss Lan, aren't they going to sign a contract with Cui Jinghuan?" another assistant asked.

Cang Lan snorted coldly: "I won't sign. I've heard Cui Jinghuan's call just now. He will cancel the variety show and hold a concert. This Tang Qianmiao must have counted on the timing, so he dared to release that kind of News drives traffic."

The assistant sighed softly: "Sure enough, you can't underestimate this woman, she really has something, she's so good at it!"

"Yes, because she knew that the Das Hotel couldn't be done, so she took the lead and tried to trap us, so she could lie down and win!" Another assistant was a little excited.

Cang Lan snorted softly: "This time her opponent is me, but it's not so easy to be fooled!"

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