His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1509 She completely saved the hotel

Chapter 1509

At the beginning of the live broadcast, the whole content was like a variety show that we usually see. Each artist had a follow-up camera, and the whole process followed the cue cards given by the director team to complete the task.

At this time, the number of online viewers has reached 12 million, and it is still soaring, and Cui Jinghuan's name is quickly swiping on the public screen.

Among them, many people also made doubts after seeing Zhang Xuela, wondering if it was her.

Zhang Xuela used to be a popular sports-turned-entertainment artist with a lot of fans. After those things, many of them turned fans or blacks, but no matter what, she still remembered this person. Therefore, what she brought The heat here is second only to Cui Jinghuan.

All of this progressed as Qian Miao expected.

At the end of the show that night, the result broke the highest record in the live broadcast industry, and opened a long distance from the previous record in history.

After zero o'clock, all the cameras were removed, and Qian Miao and Cui Jing fantasized about the old days.

When the two met, they hugged each other friendly. This scene happened to be photographed by fans hiding in the corridor.

I wanted to start a topic with this, but before I started, I saw Feng Xian as soon as the door opened.

Feng Xian and Cui Jinghuan hugged again, and then fans heard Cui Jinghuan call Feng Xian's brother-in-law.

The three walked into the room talking and laughing.

Then, not long after, there was an additional item on the news: Cui Jinghuan and Tang Qianmiao are brothers and sisters.

People can't help but think of the scene of Cui Jinghuan appearing at the Peking University freshman party a few years ago. At that time, everyone wondered why Cui Jinghuan appeared on such a small stage, and now they finally found an explanation.

It turned out that it was all to support my sister!

This news quickly spread to Cang Lan and Tong Xu.

Cang Lan urgently meets with him to discuss the next countermeasures.

Tong Xu was smoking a cigarette, frowning tightly: "This matter is not easy to handle."

"If it's not easy, I have to do it. If this continues, I will lose the position of president." She showed her usual appearance, hugging the man's arm and acting like a spoiled child.

Tong Xu sighed softly and couldn't bear to reject her, so he had to analyze and said: "You have seen it too, this is the first episode of the program tonight, it's just so popular, and the income it brings has already surpassed your previous week's. There is one more issue, how do you hurry up?"

"Besides, I have just learned that Cui Jinghuan is completely free to perform, and other artists are not paid much, and her cost is greatly reduced. Also, after the show is broadcast, the hotel's reservations are already full for the next month .”

He sighed again: "She totally brought this hotel back to life."

Cang Lan loosened her hands, and her whole body collapsed.

Seeing her like this, Tong Xu quickly comforted her: "However, the time has not yet come, we still have time, take your time and tell you some good news."

"What?" Cang Lan's eyes lit up again, "Is there any good news?"

"Well, that's right, when the Bai family made a statement to attack the Cang family, the major shareholders were very dissatisfied, so no matter who won the game, the first problem to be solved after taking office must be to ease the relationship with the Bai family. Relationship."

"That's right, why didn't I think of this? Bai Mucheng and Feng Xian are enemies, and Tang Qianmiao will definitely choose Feng Xian, so it is impossible for Tang Qianmiao and Bai Mucheng to reconcile!"

Tong Xu smiled: "Well, so you still have a good chance of winning. Even if we let her win the game, then our shareholders don't agree, what can she do? In the face of interests, everything else has to stand aside. At that time, Cang Ting can't control it either."


(Good night)

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