His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1511 Take care of your child's mother

Chapter 1511

After the ceremony, everyone dispersed to take pictures.

After Qian Miao was dragged away by the boys in the department for a long time, she was finally dragged away by some jealous person.

Unexpectedly, before reaching his arms, he was dragged away by Lu Wanyu who ran over again.

The two are not of the same department and are quite far apart.

Lu Wanyu ran fast, excitedly dragging Qian Miao to take pictures.

The problem is, behind her is Cang Zeyue who is holding the child.

Seeing this, Qian Miao stuffed everything to Feng Xian, and ran away with Lu Wanyu.

Feng Xian cast his eyes on Cang Zeyue, and his clear voice contained a trace of depression: "Mother who cares about your children, you have occupied my wife for a whole night, and today you are making progress."

When Qian Miao came back last night, she played games with Lu Wanyu for half the night, and then slept together in the guest room, leaving him alone in the bedroom.

Before Cang Zeyue could speak, the girl in his arms said, "Mom doesn't want to see Dad, so she went to find aunt."

"Shh, baby, it's not like that, don't talk nonsense." Cang Zeyue lowered his head and said to her.

But the little girl said: "It's true, Mom said she doesn't want to stay with you."

The corner of Feng Xian's mouth hooked slightly, it was fleeting, but it was still caught by Cang Zeyue.

"I said, are you gloating?" Cang Ze narrowed his eyes.

The light in Feng Xian's eyes contained a bit of nobility and arrogance, a bit lazy and casual, and said lightly: "En."


Cang Ze became more and more frustrated, making the girl in his arms giggle.

On the other side, Qian Miao stood casually, and Lu Wanyu was in charge of taking pictures.

After filming for a while, the two sat on chairs to rest with a cup of cold milk tea in their arms.

In fact, today's atmosphere is joy mixed with hurt.

Wei Wu couldn't come.

"I've asked about the situation. She's in good condition today. Feng Can took her for a walk outside the hospital. She's in a good mood."

After hearing this, Lu Wanyu lowered her head, her voice sad: "What's wrong with her, she's a fine person..."

All the words suddenly choked in his throat.

After a moment of silence, she stabilized her emotions and planned to change the subject.

"By the way, has your wedding date been set yet?"

"Well, it's settled."

"When? This month?"

"The first month of next year, the sixth day of the new year."

"So late?"

Qian Miao nodded: "Well, I heard that day is the best, and I don't want to do it now."

Lu Wanyu could understand her. The grandfather of the Feng family hasn't woken up yet, Wei Wu's matter has not been resolved, and even her body is under observation.

"Then, how do you want to spend your birthday in a few days?"

Qian Miao took a sip of the milk tea and said, "It shouldn't be a big day. That day is the shareholders' meeting and the handover of the hotel, so I'm busy."

"Oh, yes, the match between you and Cang Lan will come out this month."

Lu Wanyu smiled and said, "You're sure to win. There's been a lot of talk about your hotel in the past three months, and many people want to visit it. To be honest, the business isn't bad, right?"

"Well, it's okay, this month is already full." She raised her lips.

Lu Wanyu smiled at her and said, "Awesome, I think you are born to be a professional, and so is Brother Feng Xian, you two are a perfect match~"

Qian Miao was about to strike up a conversation, but received a message.

[Run away. 】

The person who sent the letter is an unfamiliar number, and the attribution shows that it is the capital.

"What's wrong?"

Qian Miao directly showed her the phone.

"Who... who posted this? A prank?"

"You two young ladies, why are you so sad and stopped taking pictures?" Cang Zeyue walked over.

Feng Xian is also next to it.

Qian Miao tugged at his sleeve, and the man squatted down immediately: "Huh?"

"Something happened."

Lu Wanyu put the phone in his hand.

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