His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1522 Wife Comes to Slap the Face

Chapter 1522

According to Das Hotel's original book, the total cost of buying fruit was 120,090 yuan, but after Tong Xu's so-called verification, the total cost for three months became 280,000 yuan.

What Tong Xu meant was that when she was doing the accounting, she deliberately concealed part of the expenses, and only recorded more than 120,000 yuan.

After a while, the person on the other end of the phone called back: "Hello, I have found out here that the total amount of fruit your company ordered from our company in the past three months is 120,090 yuan."

As soon as the sound fell, Tong Xu's smile froze: "What?"

He approached the landline and hurriedly said, "Take a closer look!"

"I've seen it, and it's indeed 120,090 yuan."

Tong Xu was dumbfounded.

After the phone call ended, he was suddenly speechless in the face of everyone's gaze.

Cang Lan's gaze at the side wished he could gouge out his heart.

"Vice President Tong, what's going on? What about your so-called evidence?"

"I... I don't know, this is not what I thought at all!" He was incoherent, and his mind kept thinking about the process of placing an order with the fire person.

He placed an order to let those people hack into the other party's company and modify the corresponding data. He gave the money to the other party and agreed!

Now what the hell is going on here? !

This is cheating him!

"No! There must be a mistake! I supervise very strictly, there must be a mistake in the Das Hotel's account!"

"Why? Is it based on your empty mouth?" Cang Ze glanced over coldly!

Cang Ting said in a deep voice, "Tong Xu, I entrusted you with the task of supervision, not to let you do whatever you want."

"No, Chairman, I'm really not talking nonsense! Maybe this note is wrong, but the others are definitely not wrong! Even if this item is crossed out, Das's total profit is still far behind Laixi's by a large margin!"

Qian Miao snorted softly: "Then check with a pen!"

The secretary was shocked by her eyes, and immediately began to check with a pen.

Soon, in the next ten minutes, a total of three phone calls were made, each of which slapped Tong Xu's so-called real account book as hard as the first call.

At the same time, it was also matched with the ledger of Das Hotel itself.

Big beads of Tong Xu's sweat fell down, and his lips turned white.

"Vice President Tong, what else do you have to say!"

"This... this is absolutely not the case. I have no reason to do this, don't you think?"

"You have!"

An angry female voice broke into the meeting room, followed by an angry woman.

Seeing her, Tong Xu immediately lowered his face: "What are you doing here! We are in a meeting, get out!"

This is his wife.

The woman pointed at him angrily: "You have hooked up with that bitch Cang Lan. In order to help her climb to the position of president, you don't even want your face. You not only favor her, but also frame and slander others. You are shameless! Today, I will Tear off your face, let me see how happy you will be in the future!"

With a few crashes, a bunch of photos flew out of her hand, and scattered scattered on the conference table and the floor.

When everyone saw it, they immediately felt hot.

The two people in the intimate tryst in the photo are actually Cang Lan and Tong Xu, who are more than twenty years apart in age!

Age is not the important thing, the important thing is that Tong Xu is a married woman!

The woman walked up to Cang Lan, and before she could speak, she suddenly slapped her face: "Bitch! What are you talking about dedicating your marriage to the company, right? It's really good to dedicate your body, too. It’s too shameless to snatch other people’s things that you don’t have!”

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